Curtiss P-40M
Photo 1 of 10
24 May 2015, 01:03

@JW I am too! Latest pictures are of the office. I'm helpng with airbrushing, some glueing and cutting the foil we used for belts. He decided to add the belts after we looked at some research material online : ) My son did all of the detail painting (without any magnification!). I envy his seven year old vision...
25 May 2015, 13:15

Your son has done a mighty fine job so far, albeit with a bit of help ... ha ha
I recently saw this tip about doing seat belts and although I haven't tried it, it did appeal to my tight arse side !
Cheers to both of you
PS I have the same model, unfinished of course, with RAAF decals - does your little bloke do commissions ?!!!?
27 May 2015, 10:53

Brilliant tip on the seatbelts. I'll give that a try. As for commissions, you're next in line after he cleans his room.
28 May 2015, 22:10