Eduard Yak 1b
11 January 2016, 11:39

It says "From workfolk of Pugachevskiy District". It wasn't uncommon for the groups of people (or even a single person) in WWII Soviet Union to fundraise an aircraft production - and in soviet economic system it meant pretty much give away all their savings or even salaries willingly. Such aircrafts then went to the front bearing the signature as a gift from the ones who made its construction possible.
Nice model! )
11 January 2016, 14:31

Thank Pavel, despite 3 years of Russian I still find it difficult to read cursive script, and the words here too complex for me anyway. Spasebo moy drug
11 January 2016, 21:00

Very nice!! I just watched on u tube the other day "Wings of the Luffewaffe" Fw-190 episode from back in the 70"s. Gunther Rall, mentioned the "red nosed Yak's as an elite unit. Gary
12 January 2016, 12:37