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Mark Davey (Markuk3)

Tamiya F-15c


11 January 2016, 11:44
Scott Dutton
Dammed fine modeller
 11 January 2016, 12:08
Scott Dutton
And photographer
 11 January 2016, 12:08
Mark Davey Szerző
Thanks Scott, Been a member here for along while now, but never posted till yesterday. To nervous, but comments like yours have really made my day 🙂
 11 January 2016, 12:16
Holger Kranich
Post more of your models, Mark! They look pretty fine!
 11 January 2016, 15:30
Mark Davey Szerző
Thanks Holger, I will 🙂
 11 January 2016, 17:43
Scott Dutton
Hold head high, and regardless of outcome, share, its a nice record of your work, photography is another part to be enjoyed, you'll make many new friends that offer all sorts of help, and get great feedback and suggestions. Modelling, its a great community in general and has been a life long friend to me.
 11 January 2016, 20:51

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A tribute to my best friend Alan

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