WIP - Terminator
Photo 1 of 36
7 8 March 2016, 10:45

Hi James. Thank you.
That's true that Meng kits are expensive but in my opinion totally worth it. 😉
9 March 2016, 16:10

I understand. That a good aproach to get some experience before starting more complicated models. Meng models are very good but have myriad of small parts and it is sometime intimidiating but in most cases there is nothing to worry about. I'm sure you will handle this T-90 of yours.
10 March 2016, 09:19

Bart - Most likely I will go for Russia Expo Arms 2013: [img1]
10 March 2016, 10:44

I just got mine! Interested to see your work on this little monster.
16 March 2016, 16:56

I built the T90A from Meng awhile back and it was a dream. The fit and detail are beyond belief and even though there are many parts it was an easy build. If this kit is similar you have a real winner.
24 March 2016, 11:48

Henry - Thank you. I have T-90A but it sits in the box and waits for its turn. Hovewer I'm thinking if not to try to exchange it for the version with dozer (this version has a smal LEDs for Shtora).
Melf - Thank you very much.
Christian - Big thanks.
24 March 2016, 12:43

Thank you Holder. Quite easy build. Paint was more challenging. But overall even I was suprised that it almost the end. 😉
24 March 2016, 13:58

nice camouflage so far, and didn't know about the upgrade for the rocket tubes... so there goes my Easter money...
25 March 2016, 08:00

James - Thank you very much. As for my knowledge this camo was used only on Russia Arms Expo. Not only on this vehicle but only once.
Bart - Thank you. I found those tubes by accident. I was looking for something else in one of the online hobby shops that was going out of the business (they had a nice discounts) and since the price was attractive I ordered them.
It costs around 90PLN / 23USD so it was not so bad.
25 March 2016, 08:28

I did the dozer version. I posted some shots in my album section. I did that as a review fir the AMPs website.
25 March 2016, 14:28

Christian - thank you.
Henry - Thank for the info. I think I will go for the dozer as well.
Rui - Thank you very much.
25 March 2016, 20:08

Excellent work on the display stand so far. I much like the barrier - very well done 👍
26 March 2016, 08:16

I am thinking of applying the same camo on mine, it looks very good on yours. The only other thing I can say about this kit is that it has amazed me with its details, quality and fit. The tracks are so good and easy to assemble and no glue is required! I do not understand why some reviewers made negative comments about them. I would not change them for any after market deal. The kit is definitely worth its price, as it can be built straight OOB.
27 March 2016, 13:17

Thank you Christian. I spend few hours to build barriers so it is good that you like it.
Aghis - from three different camos in manual, that one is most attractive in my opinion. It was not easy to paint (a lot of angles and sharp edges).
As for the tracks - it was like a baby walk - a lot of parts but very easy build and effect is great. In the PLZ05 from Meng tracks are not so good.
Right know for me Meng is one of the best model companies in the world for its subject selection and quality. Multiple options, quality of molds and parts fully justificate higher price. In this kit the one thing I didn't really liked was the towing cable - it was just a piece of string - thats why I used great Eureka cable.
28 March 2016, 07:48