Pitts Special S2b
Photo 1 of 8
11 March 2016, 20:09

sweetly done sir ! 😄
I got to fly one of these with 360 HP up front ! was awesome !!
the first 1000 feet of climb out from the run way was 90 degrees of pure vertical and me laughing all the way up 😄
I loved how nimble the controls felt, it was effortless to fly, except for the high G of course, anything over 4G is hard work but worth it 🙂
11 March 2016, 20:29

Really nice, it doesn't seem a 1/72 model. Good work !!!
12 March 2016, 05:48

which would easily pass as '48 model, perfect working RESPECT
great pictures 👍 👍 👍
13 March 2016, 10:07