Morris Mini Cooper 998 MkI - Revell
Photo 1 of 9
1 3 August 2016, 14:12

One of the best looking and appealing models I've ever seen, made my smile as well : )
10 August 2016, 05:07

That's a really nice build of a poor neglected Mini Paulo...
A police Officer friend of mine, said those tyres are in good order, not even bald, he then tutted, and moaned he could'nt give it a ticket!!! ((( 😄 )))
10 August 2016, 06:39

what a fantastic piece of junk 🙂. incredible weathering, congratulations! simply amazing.... do you have pictures of the build? specially the steps to get this fantastic finish?
10 August 2016, 17:52

Your first attempt for weathering and rusting a car!? Wow, you're a natural talent!
11 August 2016, 10:55

First attempt? Did not see that.... If this was your first, I am queuing already for your next one......
11 August 2016, 15:50
Album info
Nice model buit buy Revell a must have for the Cooper fans and all the car lovers.
My first attempt to weathering (rust and dust) a car.