Fokker Dr.I
Photo 1 of 12
1 14 August 2016, 21:38

Wow! A Fokker Triplane that doesn't come in red - just for this you should get extra applause! 😉 By the way, the model looks great!👍
15 August 2016, 05:17

Thanks.. yes to avoid the rivet counters and Fokker fanatics I went with the colours of a flying replica.
15 August 2016, 09:13

Yes Igor. I used the kit supplied wire to do the rigging, which was easy to do, but I was not happy with the fat look, so have now purchased some Ez-line for my next bi-plane, which I hope should look better.
15 August 2016, 21:24

Thanks Roy. My first try using thin strips of tape to mask the laminations, then washed over with a light brown to get it looking like wood. Very happy with the result.
15 August 2016, 21:26

Don't worry, Harry, my first attempt at rigging also wasn't impressive. I used a silk thread, it looked very good first, but after being sprayed at, became kinda furry
16 August 2016, 06:55

Unusually color (for me) for little Fokker...I have not seen the blue one, but it looks awesome.
16 August 2016, 18:44

It's a color scheme Raben may have used.. although there is some debate about it. Need to source a decal of his Raven emblem to add on the sides of the fuselage
16 August 2016, 21:01
Album info
Dragon's old Fokker Triplane kit painted to match a modern day replica in Raben style colours.