My Man Cave... err... Cubby
5 December 2016, 15:24

"Not much" you say? IMO It's a great organized man cave. well done, Greg 👍
5 December 2016, 15:30

Thanks! The biggest problem is that I constantly knock stuff off the workpad because I run out of elbow room pretty fast.😉
5 December 2016, 15:43

Small but very well organised Greg. I think you currently hold the 'smallest work-space' prize.
5 December 2016, 15:53

it is a really nice place, and nicely organized. you have also your musinc, and even have a fridge!
5 December 2016, 16:29

Nice one 🙂 Well organized and compact. And a fridge, you can't go wrong with a fridge 🙂
5 December 2016, 18:50

Organization is a necessity when you don't have a lot of room to spread out. The shallow pull out drawers (meant for wine bottles) is extremely handy for tools actually. But I'm most proud of my army of little pink cap bottles. They're actually little plastic medicine bottles that you get at every pharmacy here in Korea. They're PERFECT for pre-thinned (Tamiya) acrylics - they even have moulded 20ml scales on them which makes measuring a breeze. A couple of squirts in the airbrush cup and you're ready to go! The trick was getting my hands on them. Even though every pharmacy has them... they're not really "for sale". They're just supplies for doling out medicine. So the looks I got when I asked for 100 were humourous - one lady told me if I was that sick I should go to the hospital! Luckily I made a friend, explained my interest, and got 100 for $10. My wife calls them my "little terracotta soldiers".😉
5 December 2016, 23:35

One thing that bugged me at first was that, unlike my Tamiya bottles, I had to pick up a bunch to check my home-made labels while looking for a specific colour... until it dawned on me that all the little pink plastic caps are plastic...😉
5 December 2016, 23:38

I got over my fear of asking stupid questions (at least where modelling is concerned) and I find I learn lots that way!
6 December 2016, 02:49

when you finish a tamiya jar, clean it, and keep it. they are perfect for paint. and they take the same space.... 🙂
6 December 2016, 06:10

yeah cleaning the empty pots is always a good idea, better than dishing out 3usd (at least here) per clean jars anyway. cleaning em can get messy tho...
6 December 2016, 06:36

I keep the Tamiya jars too... but I find it a lot easier to load mixed paint with a squeeze bottle.
6 December 2016, 07:28

In the UK, Tamiya 10ml paints cost £1.60, the empty bottles cost £1.10! So yes, I clean out the old bottles as Spanjaard does. I wonder – if I take my empty bottles along to the shop, would they fill it for 50p?
But it's an interesting idea Greg, about the medicine bottles. A quick look on Amazon and 'Squeezable plastic dropper bottles' look ideal. They can be bought in a range of sizes and are dirt cheap. They look perfect for mixed paint.
I was advised not to, but I put a 6mm stainless steal ball bearing into all my Tamiya jars and it's perfect for mixing up the paint, saves having to stir it.
6 December 2016, 09:54

I got a bah of steel balls that I got on eBay for next to nothing. Each of my tamiya ones have one inside. Alclad use to include them, last ones did not, so I added them myself :-p
6 December 2016, 13:41

Greg, your man cave is very nice and well stocked with all the goodies. I all ways find it odd that no matter how large our modeling area is, the actual work area is really small, maybe a square foot or so. My work area is about 45 SF under the stair to my basement
1 November 2017, 17:26

Since Peter asked, I thought I'd update the pics to show off the growing collection and disappearing shelf space. Amazing to see the difference from 2 years ago.
4 January 2019, 12:08

I remember that stereo! We sold those when I was a bit younger. It packs a very good punch for its size.
I wish I had your space for everything. My desk might be bigger, but that's it.
4 January 2019, 12:12

So the secret is ....... be tidy? Bigger stereo my arse, you're going to need a bigger arpartment!
4 January 2019, 23:17

Tidiness is almost always the answer... at least according to my wife. However, she disagrees with your assessment of my space being tidy. The area is actually supposed to be a wine bar, so it's just off the main living room. So my wife found it necessary to hang a bit of a screen to shield it from view. Unfortunately the bigger apartment isn't really in the cards, so I'll just have to stack higher and deeper.
5 January 2019, 00:14

Wow!! SO well thought and arranged.. Cool. Like it very much Greg 👍
5 January 2019, 23:50

Yeah, Chris was asking. It's amazing what you can do with a box, some white art paper and some second-hand industrial lighting from a flea market.😉
24 March 2019, 02:14

That's a different looking light box, the do-it-yourself ones on YouTube, usually have 3 x lights coming through cut outs and tissue paper top and both sides.
24 March 2019, 02:21

But it turns out beautiful pictures, Homemade too... but we know Greg is a crafty bugger, well done.
24 March 2019, 02:45

I actually have plans to add more lights to both the sides and the front, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I confess I didn't check out how anyone else has done it, I just did what I thought best with what I had (or had easy access to).
24 March 2019, 03:00

Could do with a mini fridge - every time I go to use the zap thin glue it's gone off
26 March 2019, 11:52

@Peter, Yep, been in the new house for about 3 weeks now, still settling in, I need to make myself a new paint rack. Just can't find all my power tools yet, maybe this weekend.🤔
26 March 2019, 23:08

I ment I could do with one. Now I can't find fridges listed under tools. Should I get a Bosch seeing as they used to be Junkers.
26 March 2019, 23:09

Sweet model room and light box Greg. I think I had that stereo (or very similar) in my shop at some point!
11 April 2019, 20:41

Those are little plastic bottles that I got from a local pharmacy. They're 20ml squeeze bottles, usually used for liquid medicine, but I use them for pre-mixed Tamiya acrylics. I don't have many with pink tops anymore though, because I've painted each one with the paint inside. Has the dual purpose of letting you know at a glance which bottle you want, and also what the paint will look like on plastic.
15 April 2019, 23:22

Don't you know? That's Greg himself. He's a body less brain, creating the most wonderful models by willpower alone, in a desperate quest to find a way to recreate a body.
25 May 2019, 20:56

LMFAO! A good guess... but not quite. That "brain-like-mass" is actually a "storm cloud hat" that my wife created for my son's last Halloween costume. It's 100% scratchbuilt, using a cheap wide-brim "witch hat" and the stuffing from an old blanket. She designed and implemented the costume, and all I did was solder a couple of connections for the wiring and I airbrushed some stormy shadows into the otherwise white fluff.
She's become quite famous at Elliot's school for her scratchbuilt creations... so I've uploaded a few for your consideration. Personally, I'm torn between the Tintin and the R2D2.
26 May 2019, 00:03

R2 is "Impressive, most impressive." (Just watched the despecialized version of TESB for the 4th time this month)
26 May 2019, 00:17

Dude.... Your little man is all sideways... try the pictures again. 😛 Cute costumes!
26 May 2019, 00:55

That's awesome ! I Miss Seoul ! Isn't a Pizza School within 10,000 miles of here ! Kim-chi Rocks ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
26 May 2019, 02:39

Heh... fixed the pictures... Scalemates really needs a basic photo editing function...
Bob... there's a Pizza School about 100m from my front door... and I'm such a good student. 🙂
26 May 2019, 04:36

I take it, it's a pizza chain in Seoul? Any better than pizza places state-side?
26 May 2019, 05:40

WOW! Never even imagined some of those combinations. They look appetizing though. 🙂
26 May 2019, 05:54

And Bob... Seoul is only about 6800 miles away, and Google maps says there are 16 Pizza Schools... So... 10,000 miles huh? 😛 Just a quick ride away 😛
26 May 2019, 05:58

Rough estimate LOL , was Stationed there 3 times ! Oh the Food ! (Homer Simpson drool MMMMMM) !
26 May 2019, 06:01

It'd be wasted on me, I dislike most foreign food. But I'd love to see, hear and experience Seoul. But I'd be all about that Pizza School 😛
26 May 2019, 06:11

It is wonderful what we create for the indulgence of our hobby. I just love the bar fridge. !!! Awsome. 👍 🙂
26 May 2019, 07:49

Congrats to your wife, she is certainly talented. Never been in Korea , would love to
27 May 2019, 13:00

I've friends in Korea but can't fly due to ear trouble (not big enough to flap?)
27 May 2019, 16:13
Album info
My small but cozy modelling workstation.