Handmade (scratch) submarine 66 cm (as the scheme)
Photo 1 of 50
16 December 2016, 12:01

Great scratch project. I did this with a 747 recently and the balsa sanded and shaped marvellously. Just need to harden the wood so as to not get dents that decrease realism. Cheers
16 December 2016, 16:16

An old trick from the days when we did aircraft conversions with balsa was to use Flying Model Airplane clear dope, used on the skin of a stick and tissue aircraft. Some added talcum powder to the Clear Dope so that the wood would still absorb it, but, not as much as the Dope right out of the bottle. (Hi/Low tech sanding sealer, lol)
20 December 2016, 21:08

The sub is in job progress, but I have a problem to solve. I ask your ideas about how make the holes (on nose and both sides)
2 January 2017, 10:49

The sub is almost 80% ready. Next week i share fotos'. because i work on it to the village......
8 January 2017, 15:04

The sub is ready with wood varnish painted (first ste of painting ). I made the deck with spagetti No 10. The metal parts are from mobile parts. I 'll continue with sides holes and painting first hand with grey pre-acrylic spray.....
15 January 2017, 18:26

Thank you gorby.I try gorby to look well as I can with small "budget". The only problem is the propellers I' ll try to find to the commerce
15 January 2017, 19:06

Thank you Sertac. It needs some job to finish. Be continued.....
19 January 2017, 07:51

Next week I' ll finish the sub. I " share photos colored in black
1 February 2017, 21:16

I 'll put the propellers, the flugs and I must paint some things on the deck. I believe it is going finishing next week
5 February 2017, 19:11

I "arrested" my self Scott to prefer making scratch models, like the coffee, in the begin drinking plenty with sugar and passing the time sugarless, tasting the real taste of coffee.
7 February 2017, 17:18

Something good happens to you when you can make it all from scratch...it gives more confidence and allows you to deal with problems in altering kit models into more than just out of box. Once I learned silver soldering, it opened up a whole new world of modelling
7 February 2017, 17:52

Changes always are creative. New roads open in front of you and giving courage to discover with open mind the new, Scott.
7 February 2017, 19:32

Needs only the flags, the propellers and the name on the grey base.........
28 February 2017, 20:06

That is an amazingly good result Nikolaos! You have excellent scratch building skills.
6 March 2017, 11:08
Album info
I begin the job to make a handmade submarine Balao class model GUPPY II of the Hellenic navy.
I cement the pieces of balsa each other, with cyanoacrylicate glue. I designed the shceme on the wood.The tower first (wants some job) .The tubes made by sprue, tooth pics, a pic of comb and plastic of nescafe box. The radar small instruments on the tubes made by pieces of other kits. The metal parts of floors,the doors, the antenas (down) left and right made by parts of mobile phone ....be continued