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Gary Brantley (texgunner)

Hobbycraft Hawker Hurricane IIC "Night Intruder"


27 February 2017, 21:40
Erik Leijdens
Fantastic job mate 👍
 27 February 2017, 22:14
Joe Savlan
Outstanding! And excellent photography as well 🙂
 28 February 2017, 01:29
Gary Brantley Szerző
Thanks for having a look Erik and Joe, and thanks for your generous comments too! 🙂
 28 February 2017, 01:46
Gary Brantley Szerző
another look today?!!? 🙂
 28 February 2017, 12:55
Absolutely beautiful job Gary – some of those airfield photos look like the real McCoy!
 28 February 2017, 19:48
JohnJR Landgraver
The plain white background Photos are a tribute for a quality Replica . The Background shots at an "Aerodrome" just are prefect .. Thanx ..
 28 February 2017, 20:39
Gary Brantley Szerző
Thank you both so much! It was a great morning at the airport, got some sun and a bit o' windburn too. I think I took abut 300 pics out there but I had to park my Isuzu Trooper as a windbreak, and that somewhat limited my "field of view" out there. The Hurricane skidded across the "tarmac" at one point and I barely caught it before it reached the edge! The Me-262 and F-15 were heavier and even they were rocked a few times. Sometime I get lucky with the combination of background, perspective, distance, etc and pull off a few good pics. Thanks again for looking her over! 🙂
 1 March 2017, 00:24
Joe Savlan
I love it. #28 in the album is my favorite 🙂
 1 March 2017, 05:04
Gary Brantley Szerző
@Joe. 🙂. 👍
 1 March 2017, 05:33
Gary Brantley Szerző
Joe, I believe I'm kinda partial to #19 and #24. I think the plane would look cool under over-cast skies, but sunny works too...🙂
 1 March 2017, 13:22
That's probably because it was built beneath over-case skies and lived out most of it's existence under over-case skies, we are taking Britain after all. 😉
 1 March 2017, 16:15
Gary Brantley Szerző
Lol! I thought that too gorby. It would only seem appropriate right?
 1 March 2017, 16:49
arne vd burg
Good job Gary
 1 March 2017, 20:55
Gary Brantley Szerző
Thanks James and arne! Good to hear from you, thanks for commenting! 🙂
 1 March 2017, 21:16

Album info

I started this model more than three years ago; about the same time as my A6-E. After the A6 was finished around Jan.1 I started back on this old relic. It was finished Saturday. The radio aerial was the last thing done and although far from perfect, I could live with it. Well today, while packing three models for a photo session at the airport, yes, you guessed it, I dislodged the main mast, causing the wire to sag and the mast to lean aft. I got it back in some kind of shape but of course, it doesn't look even as good as it did. D'oh! 🙁

I took a few indoor pics but forgot a shot of the belly. Oh well, maybe next time. I was really tired of futzing around with this old crappy Hobbycraft kit and wanted it done and photographed! Oh well, it's finished and here's to better things ahead! 🙂

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