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Vincent Heemskerk (Vince)

Hayley-Davidson Electra Glide

Photo 1 of 23


20 May 2017, 16:21
Martin Oostrom
This brings back memories, nightmares, but still memories.
I never was any good with anything on road wheels.
 21 May 2017, 07:39
i have to maybe do something similar, so i am really interested in seeing how that chrome is done all over again 🙂
 21 May 2017, 17:48
Vincent Heemskerk Szerző
Chrome is done with black primer, Tamiya Chrome Silver, and Vallejo gloss varnish. I think the pictures turn out a bit strange due to the varnish.
 26 May 2017, 13:03
Vincent Heemskerk Szerző
I found out that Tamiya Chrome Silver needs a non-acrylic based varnish... It reacts with the Vallejo varnish. Drat.
 27 May 2017, 11:32
Martin Oostrom
Tough luck Vincent
 27 May 2017, 13:36
Vincent Heemskerk Szerző
Spanjaard: I removed the chrome with Mr. Muscle drain cleaner, but its nasty stuff and I suspect it interacts with the plastic. I worked quickly so I got out scott free.
I like the look of the chrome silver, but it is said that for a real chrome look you better use Alclad. Since I don't airbrush and want my paint water-based, I opted for the Tamiya. (Which is airbrush paint as well, but I didn't know that when I bought it, and it works with brush just as well.)

Engine is fitted in the frame. Very tight fit.
 5 June 2017, 14:50
tamiya works well with brush. l have used it for years. For airbrushing, it has to be thinned.
 5 June 2017, 16:31
Roy McKay
is this the old Matchbox kit?
 5 June 2017, 18:19
Emil Stojanov
Vincent, try using oven cleaner for removing chrome. Works well for me and it doesn't eat your brushes.
 5 June 2017, 18:28
Vincent Heemskerk Szerző
Roy: I haven't seen a Matchbox marker, so I think not.
Emil: I'll look for it at the local supermarket, thanks.
 6 June 2017, 11:05
Vincent Heemskerk Szerző
Roy McKay: I found a Matchbox stamp, dated 1980.
Lots of stuff done: tank, seats, mufflers etc.
 19 June 2017, 19:06
Vincent Heemskerk Szerző
All done with this one. Lots of errors, but I'm still pleased with the end result.
 14 July 2017, 21:19
Martin Oostrom
The rear looks a bit wonky. For the rest great job 👍
 15 July 2017, 15:18
Vincent Heemskerk Szerző
Martin, that's because it is a bit wonky 😉
But mainly because the license plate is not installed perfectly horizontal, and the top case rests on that.
Thanks for the compliment.
 15 July 2017, 20:13

Album info

A Hayley-Davidson Electra Glide 1:12. Made in year 1992. I started this a long long time ago, but didn't get very far.

23 képek
1:12 Harley-Davidson Electra Glide (Revell 07951)

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