Ghibli: My Neighbour Totoro (Daihatsu Midget DK)
19 8 August 2017, 22:53

Since he inspired me with his own mini vehicles build, this one is for hermitkey 😉
8 August 2017, 23:01

Thanks guys! I'm having fun putting all these Ghibli-inspired mystery mini projects. This one is probably pretty easy for à ghibli fans to guess though, no?
9 August 2017, 04:17

Bingo! I knew it wasn't going to be hard. I've already scratch built the Mehve from Nausicaa, the Flapter from Laputa and Tombo's prop bicycle from Kiki's Delivery Service. I had to at least include something from Totoro. 🙂
9 August 2017, 05:57

I can not stop admiring your work based on Miyazaki's cartoons.
They are delightful.
9 August 2017, 07:24

Thanks Denis! I'm just glad someone's following along. The feedback is very much appreciated. I kind of have this mental image of a 1/72 scale "Miyazaki Museum" that I'm the curator of. I just put the finishing touches on the Kiki's Delivery bike and the Laputa Flapter, so I'll post up some "work completed" pics soon.
9 August 2017, 10:03

Just a little bit of progress with a very fiddly interior. I also think I made the cargo bed side walls a bit too high. I might need to cut them down a bit.
9 August 2017, 23:46

Doesn't look wrong, nice colour too,
yeah painting the interior now is going to be tricky, sure you'll manage 🙂
Btw, I was looking the novels again, started reading them again more like 🙂
Because I thought something was off with the Gun Ship kit, mostly the scale but also the tail too.
at 1/72 that puts the model at 54 feet span which is big, way big.
In the novels it looks much closer to 40 feet, more like 35 I reckon,
which means if you carve out the cockpits to fit 1/48 figures that will be much closer to "correct" scale 😄
Also the tail end is very different, in the novel hardly any bend and it has a fin to hold the tail wheel
other than that overall I think the kit shape is quite good 🙂
12 August 2017, 19:34

It doesn't look wrong, because I cut the sidewalls down a millimetre. They looked okay until I put the fenders on. Then I realized they were just a bit too high. I was hoping not to have to get fussy on the paint job, and luckily Tamiya X-14 Sky Blue came to the rescue. Painting the interior will be tricky, but with the open cab, I couldn't really paint it before I built it in place.
12 August 2017, 23:14

Do I spy the beginnings of another Mehve in the bottom right of pic 13 ?😉 😄
13 August 2017, 00:00

Hehe... I replied to the rest of your comments on my Nausicaa build... Ghibli: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (Mehve) | Album by strobez (1:72)
13 August 2017, 00:05

Got a bit more paint on.... masking the front wheel was a pain, but I hope it pays off.
14 August 2017, 15:46

The Totoro mini-truck is basically done! Just a wash left to do!
15 August 2017, 16:22

I´ve just seen this one.
I like the movie, so do my kids. 🙂
I´ll stay tuned for further progress. 👍
15 August 2017, 16:23

This Totoro mini truck is almost finished. Just final presentation stuff (including a base), but I have a bunch of Studio Ghibli-related scratch builds ongoing. Someone tried to talk me into doing the Catbus from Totoro as well, but that might be a bit too ambitious a project... at least for right now.
16 August 2017, 00:36

I thought about it... but probably not. I'm thinking I might just add some boxes and barrels I have leftover from the kit I used. Building the dollhouse furniture doesn't interest me much, especially when I just got another idea to use up another one of these little car kits...😉
16 August 2017, 08:10

It damn well better all fit is all I can say. 🙂. I stacked it all three times before painting, but guaranteed, something will be out of place when I got to do the final assembly... I just know it.
20 August 2017, 15:54

Thanks a lot John. I've updated some final-ish pictures. Luckily all the cargo I created went back in place more or less as I planned. It was tricky to glue together without making a mess of the whole thing, so I was a bit sparse. Hopefully it all holds together (the string actually does help... as does the generous coating of Future). Maybe a bit of a wash on the wheels and undercarriage for depth, but this baby is basically done now.
21 August 2017, 15:34

I love this, really a stunning example of reuse of pieces... great Greg!!!
22 August 2017, 14:01

Thanks! For the comment. As soon as I saw the donor kit, I kinda knew it was going to work... well, that's what I hoped!
22 August 2017, 15:04

Thanks Mathew! I have a bunch of these little Miyazaki contraptions. They're mostly flying machines, but who can resist this little Daihatsu?! 😄
12 February 2018, 22:00

Thanks guys. If you want to see all my Studio Ghibli builds, it's probably easiest to check out my blog -
29 August 2022, 02:07
Album info
A little kit-bashed scratch-build of the "three-wheeled truck" used by the Kusakabe family to move to their new house in the animated movie, "My Neighbour Totoro." Based on the Daihatsu Midget DK, I used parts of a 1/72 Willys Jeep, a Kübelwagen and a Kettenkrad to create the basic chassis and boxed it up using styrene plates.