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12th Panzer
Daniel Smith (12th Panzer)


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24 September 2017, 17:52
 24 September 2017, 18:01
Awesome aircraft. Is it a restoration?
 24 September 2017, 18:04
Daniel Smith Szerző
Thanks Ekki.
 24 September 2017, 21:07
Daniel Smith Szerző
Thanks Cuajeta, Yes sort of. I started this model back in 2008, now I'm going to finish it. I'm going with the South East Asia paint scheme. 🙂
 24 September 2017, 21:08
Thanks Daniel. I built mine in 1995, but now it needs a great restoration. So I follow you with interest.
 25 September 2017, 11:46
Daniel Smith Szerző
Good look with your restoration Cuajete, this aircraft can be a hand full. 🙂
 26 September 2017, 01:11
Daniel Smith Szerző
After filling and sanding, I went over the hole aircraft with 600 grit sand paper then followed with 800 to get all surfaces nice and smooth. The antennas on the bottom are from a Academy 1/72 F-15C kit, the ones on the side are from Dragon 1/48 Ju88, I just cut the two down the center to make four.
 26 September 2017, 01:19
Daniel Smith Szerző
Before painting I washed all surfaces with soap and water, using Tamiya TS-48 Gunship grey on the top unpainted surfaces. For the camouflage pattern I used trace paper to get a soft edge line. First color up is Model Master Enamel Dark Green #1710.
 26 September 2017, 01:22
Fantastic, Daniel. Looking so good!
 26 September 2017, 10:05
Daniel Smith Szerző
Thanks Cuajete.
 26 September 2017, 14:59
Daniel Smith Szerző
Next color up is Model Master Enamel SAC Bomber Green #1793,(the bottle form has been discontinued, only available in spray can #1993). Two coats were airbrushed.
 27 September 2017, 13:57
Daniel Smith Szerző
Area's that have been painted Dark Green I used tamiya tape to hold the soft edge masks down. And I'm using a airbrushing with about 15 psi.
 27 September 2017, 13:59
Daniel Smith Szerző
All the main SEA paint has been applied, Tamiya X-1 Black on the undersides and sides, XF-1 Flat black on the nose and chin.
 8 October 2017, 00:58
Alexander Grivonev
That camouflage coming along nicely! Btw, i like your colour shelves..very tidy!
 8 October 2017, 10:05
Daniel Smith Szerző
Thanks Alexander, the two paint shelves are made of 1"x4" frame with a Masonite back board. 🙂
 8 October 2017, 16:21
Daniel Smith Szerző
All the color's have been applied, I've been doing paint touch ups this past week. This model has become a paint hog. 😉
 20 October 2017, 13:28
It looks very good, Daniel
 20 October 2017, 20:04
Björn Leichsenring
Wow, a big monster. Very good.
 20 October 2017, 20:23
Lovely! I restored mine a few years ago as well and have another in storage. Just love this kit. I'm looking forward to your progress!
 20 October 2017, 21:51
Calvin Gifford
👍 Awesome idea w/ the board BTW!
 21 October 2017, 02:51
Daniel Smith Szerző
Thanks Cuajete.
 24 December 2017, 17:06
Daniel Smith Szerző
Thanks Bjorn.
 24 December 2017, 17:06
Daniel Smith Szerző
Thanks Flynn.
 24 December 2017, 17:07
Daniel Smith Szerző
Thanks Calvin.
 24 December 2017, 17:07
Daniel Smith Szerző
With painting taking just over a month now, I've decided to take a break from the B-52.
 24 December 2017, 17:07
Dave Flitton
Massive project - nicely done!!!
 24 December 2017, 21:41
Daniel Smith Szerző
Thanks Dave.
 26 December 2017, 14:37

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