10,000th Hellcat "Hirohito Special"
Photo 1 of 67
12 January 2018, 21:27

Very nice work at the cockpit and interesting pre shading technique 👍
13 January 2018, 18:19

The details looks fantastic so far... In that scale nearly perfect 👍
4 April 2018, 23:06

Thanks, everyone! I have moved on to the weathering - just uploaded a few more photos.
28 April 2018, 19:11

Looking awesome. Great recovery at the end, I think we have all been there 😄 👍
29 May 2018, 12:25
Album info
Known as the "Hirohito Special," the 10,000th Hellcat built was an F6F-5 delivered to VBF-87 aboard USS Ticonderoga in May of 1945.