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Alexander Perov (kadetka36)

Yak-38 Hobby Boss

Photo 1 of 15


1 29 January 2018, 08:37
what a beautiful Yak 👍 👍 👍
If I hear Yakowlev, then the thought of the Yak 24 comes up, that would be a wish model in 1:48 🙂
 29 January 2018, 09:20
Alexander Perov Szerző
Hello and thank you .I see you also gradually build a model .long time you didn't here
 29 January 2018, 09:49
Mike Daniels
Great job Alexander. I have the VTOL Yak-38 in my wishlist.
 29 January 2018, 11:10
Soeren R.
Awesome work mate! 😉
 29 January 2018, 18:58
Tim Heimer
I like it!
 29 January 2018, 19:44
Stephan Ryll
Very nice work build and paintjob 👍
 29 January 2018, 19:52
Erik Leijdens
Nice job Alexander!
 29 January 2018, 20:32
Melf Boyens
Excellent work
 29 January 2018, 20:52
Alexander Perov Szerző
Thank you all for the comments but I think that blue color I'm guessing it needs to be lighter
 30 January 2018, 08:35
Mike Daniels
Maybe, its a bit hard to tell from source photos but you are pretty close. There does seem to be some variation. Try increasing the exposure on your camera? or add a big white light reflector at the front (newspapers work just fine). That would 'lift' the briteness a bit at the front which is perhaps a bit dark ? Job done.

 30 January 2018, 09:10
Alexander Perov Szerző
I agree with you on all photos different shades just had to lighten closer to the scale according to the rules of modeling
 30 January 2018, 13:25
Michael Phillips
This is fantastic work! Well done Alexander... Now I want to build one of these too!!! LOL
 30 January 2018, 14:20

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