My Work Area.
Photo 1 of 19
11 February 2018, 07:34

Great man cave Michael.
Very well organized 👍.
It would be a shame if you had to move out. 🙁
11 February 2018, 13:05

looks great. i wish i could have so much space. good luck with the lease
11 February 2018, 16:59

Thanks Mates, I plan on doing a lot of model building here.😄
11 February 2018, 21:22

Strewth Mick, you not new at this are you! Do you have any natural light at all? Oh, and very disappointed to see you are a Dogs fan. Still, you can't be a total loss with a hobby like ours! How has the paint booth turned out?
11 February 2018, 22:04

Hey Peter, I guess your probably a Cowboys fan or even worse a Bronco. If you notice hidden away near the desk is the side garage door I have open during the day, as well on the wall behind a very good sized window. The window lets in a good amount of light until the sun starts to get lower. You see it's on the western wall of the house and I bet you can appreciate what that heat is like coming in, in the mid afternoon. When I moved in I went to a lighting store and bought the best natural light fluros they had, that helps too, way better than having those normal type fluros that where in here.
12 February 2018, 01:13

The paint booth is a lot more comfy now that I secured my paint rack on top of my desk, can't remember you suggested that, but it was a very good idea. So was the idea of putting butchers paper down to protect the bottom surface, I went to officeworks and bought a huge big bundle of the stuff, will last for years. I'll had a couple of pics of the door and window soon.
12 February 2018, 01:17

Very nice setup. Great organization on the shelves. Are those containers full of parts or kits?
12 February 2018, 02:22

Thanks for your kind words Bryn, the containers are full of all the resin aftermarket stuff I cast for myself. On the opposite side are the original aftermarket resin sets, I don't use these sets. When a mold gets old or accidentally breaks I just mold the original again, way cheaper than buying the same set several times if you have a few kits that are the same family. Plus if the aftermarket set is unavailable I've still got it to use. Very handy system when in my stash I've got around 30 or so Hasegawa F-4 Phantom II's and about 15 F-14's & F/A-18's, all 1/48 & all Hasegawa.
12 February 2018, 03:29

The blue draws are full of different types of weapons, I don't like buying those over &over again so I just mold & cast them. When I run out easy, just cast some more.
12 February 2018, 03:31

I made a home made pressure pot, so I have no problems with bubbles, and I can reproduce my resin casting as good as the original. The only difference is most companys put a dye in their resin parts where I don't bother, I just prime in grey and your good to go.
12 February 2018, 03:35

Thanks Gents, it's not the biggest Man Cave I've had. When I moved out from home with my then girlfriend we moved into an office that was on the main street of an inner city suburb of Sydney. My hobby room was the board room,endless storage and shelving, the place was fully air conditioned, had a kitchen, laundry and a shower, and dirt cheap because my girlfriends boss owned it and she worked next door.
12 February 2018, 04:36

You must have a BIG truck Michael, as I have a "Remove Before Flight" key tag the same for my bike, only smaller. hahahaha 🙂
What a joy to walk into a shangri la like that mate. :-/
12 February 2018, 05:38

I used to drive BDoubles from Brizzy to Sydney in a past life. You are very welcome to the place. Best view of the harbour was the one in the right wing mirror as I climbed the Cahill Freeway northbound out of the tunnel. Good to see some natural light there. Glad the butchers paper worked out. Nope putting the paint rack on top of the desk wasn't my suggestion, but, it's exactly where mine is. However I have a small rack for "currently in use" paint made of partial board. Ammo brand. It has disintegrated with the heat. No paint destroyed but the Humbrol masking solution turned into a solid lump overnight. Looks like I'll have to get a fridge in here next? There might be room for some refreshments too? Might have to send Humbrol a cheque by way of thanks!
My paint booth is out in the garage but we are only 5 Kay's from Isaac Plains Mine and the coal dust drifting through has ruined a couple of paint jobs.
Cows will be the hot side this year, might as well jump ship now Mate! Winner winner chicken dinner!
12 February 2018, 07:02

@Peter, the only good thing the Cows have got is our Thurston, who do you think brought him up through the ranks and nurtured him when he was a spring chicken. It was one of our top supporters that took him in to live in Belmore. He got to feel like what it was like to be on a winning side taking the trophy in 2004, then what does he do, run all the way back home to North Queensland taking all the talent he learned at Belmore with him. He is defanetley a natural player but he didn't have to go home.🙁
12 February 2018, 14:34

@Kerry, I scored the RBF tag from evil bay for something like 10 bucks many, many moons ago. Yeah, I really love working in here except for the heat in summer but since I got a portable air con last year from Bunnings I'm once again as happy as a pig in shit.😄
12 February 2018, 14:38

Hey Michael, nice room and it puts me to shame. I don't have the same room as you do. I am happy for you. It would be a crime for you to pack that up again and move. You must have some money to buy the stuff. I live in a small apartment with some space but not much storage. My gf has her own apartment next door. Anyway, really love your stuff and great pictures.
12 February 2018, 15:02

Oh, by the way Peter, I used to work for KBT outta Sydney, and for a while I was doing a milk run driving an 18 speed Eaton, 16 palleter Hino from Sydney to Ballina/Lismore every week. Took almost a week to get back, but I loved it. Only left them to move up here to Coffs in 2000. Yeah any time you don't have to try and maneuver one of those baby road trains around in Sydney traffic is a good thing. I had to take my rubber stops of my arse end one early morning at Mount White because the bozo thought I was to long for a rigid. She only had 4 tail shafts, unfortunately I was at South West Rocks one arvo and dropped one. Had to wait for the towie to come down from Half Way Creek then a 3 day sit at the mechanics waiting for the repair. I also plan on getting a Bulldogs Bar fridge in the shape of a cold one. I tell you what, you keep your coal dust and I'll keep my salt air that's trying to eat my forbie alive, hahahahaha😢
12 February 2018, 15:06

Cool cave man !
Loving the rules 😄
You get my grunt of approval !
Ugg !! 😄 😄 😄
12 February 2018, 15:55

I'm just lucky the missus agrees to let me have so much space, plus the fact the 4x4 doesn't fit in the garage because she's to high. I knew I got her lifted for a reason.😢
12 February 2018, 22:48

Ah Australia, Only place I have been where I have no problem reading the signs but have no clue when they talk to me 😄 I was there before the Fosters Beer commercials and the old Crocodile Dundy movie came out - I wish my man cave was in Australia
12 February 2018, 23:17

Or in the Top End where men are men, and women are men too.😢
13 February 2018, 03:54

Don't take it personally mate, I'm sure your missus is a lovely lady.🙂
13 February 2018, 10:05

I like the idea of your spray booth Michael, could you provide more pics of it? I'm considering copying the concept...
13 February 2018, 11:16

Peter how you copping with the heat mate.
Lukasz, no worries mate, I'll take some more pics this morning.
13 February 2018, 22:11

Your not wrong, as soon as my 2 girls get home from school, I'm crossing the road to go straight for a surf.😄
14 February 2018, 00:25

There you go Lukasz, I've added some more pics of the paint booth. It's just a cheap shelving system that I got from Bunnings Hardware Store for $40 Au. It's good because there's no bolts holding it together, very strong and all the shelves are adjustable to any height. The plastic drawers I got from a discount junk shop, I paid $5 each Au for them. The small amount of timber I used was cheap, and the exhaust fan was $20 + I had to put a switch on it but that is simply enough. I use air conditioning filter to capture the over spray, I spray at about 18 - 20 psi so it's no real issue. The good thing about these shelves is if you want an extra shelf it's not all that difficult to slap one or two up, like I did with the one my books are on. The top shelf I just cut a piece of 10mm plywood to fit inside the 4 corners and bolt the supports at the front and back. Then I secured a piece of wood on the end to act as a book end, for this I used a couple of small angles and a few screws. Has you can see from the pics it doesn't even think about giving in under the weight of the books, it's also very sturdy and doesn't wobble. And to keep an eye on this Cave of mine is my good mate, Buster, my Staffy.
14 February 2018, 00:50

Been layed up crook with the flu Mick. Just stayed in the aircon all day and night. Grass is getting long though. I have a small 36 bottle paint storage unit on my workbench, sort of a plywood flatpack white glue unit which has fallen apart with the heat. Also had an unopened bottle of Humbrol Mask turn into a solid lump over a two day period. Looks like we should have a fridge in the hobby room as a matter of necessity so we don't loose our precious investments! Might need to slip a few emergency bottles of Man Medicine in there just to be on the safe side as well. Have to be very carful with dehydration in this weather.
Kerry, if it too warm you could always write an email? Starting to gasp from holding my breath waiting.
I had a chat with Timmy Heimer on Skype yesterday, for three hours!! He had snow outside and for the first time in my life I actually though nice thoughts about snow. He said some horrible things about you being you so organised Mick. As you are a Dogs supporter I couldn't object and stick up for you!!! Beer can fridge, hurumph!
Robbie, How bloody old are you??????????????????? Fosters?????????????????????? Haven't even seen a can of that Victorian poison for thirty years!! Awful stuff!
14 February 2018, 02:05

Well Peter seeing how you stood up for your fellow Aussie mate I'll share this image with you of the fridge I'll be getting soon.
14 February 2018, 02:59

Well Peter seeing how you stood up for me a fellow Aussie mate I'll share this little nugget with you, it's what I'll be getting soon after a couple of bills have been paid.
14 February 2018, 03:01

Looks like a rubbish bin to this Cowboy's fan. I suppose you'll fill it with VB too eh?
14 February 2018, 03:02

Many thanks for the specs Michael, very appreciated, I like this idea mainly because of the adjustable height you mentioned. 👍
Btw. what a lovely dog (and not a fluffy one😉 )
14 February 2018, 07:14

@Peter - I don't touch Fosters either - i was referring to the old Fosters commercials where it begins 'How to speak Australian'. They would throw out some term then translate it to 'Yank'. However, when I was down there in the late '70's I fell in love with Toohey's or Tooths if i recall. So to give you a little example of what i am talking about speaking Australian, a bunch of us young 'Yank' sailors hit this pub. We head for the bar and order 'A beer please' where the response was 'Pony, Schooner or Pint - mate'. Trying to be polite i just answered yes please. At that point i was presented with three glasses of beer in 3 different sizes... Eventually i figured it out where all i had to say was 'A pint of Tooths please' 😄
14 February 2018, 13:12

@Peter, I'll just ignore the rubbish bin remark, as it doesn't even warrant a comment. And I would fill it with VB but I'm on so much medication it's not a good idea to mix my prescription drugs with alcohol.
@Lukasz, yeah my Staffy isn't a fan of fluffy dogs either, or any other dog come to think of it.
@Timothy, if your referring to Buster, that's easy, 40 degree heat. And that's inside with the air conditioning on.
14 February 2018, 20:55

........ 40 degrees !!!
Wow !! .... that sounds like the perfect environment for a heated debate !! haha 😄
14 February 2018, 21:03

It's certainly warm, overcast today, but still very humid and muggy.🙁
14 February 2018, 21:12

Hey Robbie, How did you post that pic? \I love it , I live near Chicago !
15 February 2018, 13:39

it is just a web link i pasted into the comment. if you hover over the pic you can see the url link.
15 February 2018, 14:16

Far too tidy, I have to use our living room table so unpack then pack up each time.
25 March 2018, 08:55

Sorry to hear that Derek. I made some changes since these photos were put up, I got an extra industrial stand and put my Gunze paint rack on that instead of having it on my desk. The 2 tubs underneath the paints are the kits I've started and not gone on with. I hope to empty out these 2 tubs over the next 18 months, as these are the kits I want to mainly concentrate on.
25 March 2018, 09:59

Derek Reeve... yeah! been there, done that. Thank God, not anymore!!!
25 March 2018, 19:52

Phew, I'm glad I'm not the only one without a 'mancave', makes me feel better.
26 March 2018, 08:19

I'll copy you, with the spray booth, in my next house.... I'll have more space and a room just for me.
26 March 2018, 08:36

I to started on the dining table but back in the mid 70's when my mum told me not to get any super glue on our brand new bright orange round dining table and I did. She kicked my ass from here to kingdom come, since then I've always had my own bench and as I got older space.
26 March 2018, 10:54

Yeah, I remember the red spots caused by my first "airbrush" in the kitchen, many years ago.... With any luck I will have my man cave soon
26 March 2018, 16:21

This is impressive..I might be able able to finish a kit or two but fir the life of me I couldn't ever get my hobby room to this state of clean and organized.
19 April 2019, 19:47

Has to be just about the most organized room I have seen in a long time. You must be killer at Tetris! 🙂 Looks great, Mike!
19 April 2019, 20:03

I think I have to reorganize my man cave😉 nice place to be Michael 👍
19 April 2019, 20:07

Thank You gents for your kind words, Unfortunatly I'm not at this location any more. The missus and I moved about 5 weeks ago and I now have a new Man Cave.
My Hobby Room. | Album by mikestomcat
Not as big as the double garage but it will do.🙂
20 April 2019, 04:47

Yes, and I can open the window so all the nasty smells can go straight out the window.
20 April 2019, 04:56

Shrieek!!! 😮 but the new room's just as impressive as this one Mr Hickey Sir...
20 April 2019, 06:13

Very nice, spacious area that you have dedicated for the hobby.
20 April 2019, 07:57

'Room' he says! I still make do with the cardboard box in't middle of road! 🙂
20 April 2019, 09:16

The 'investment' one makes when pursuing our hobby. !
The mancave worthy of 'Man Cave weekly' for sure. LOL.
I am most envious Michael. 😉
22 April 2019, 05:19
Album info
Pretty much got my Man Cave in order just the way I'm happy with. Just my luck the lease for this property ends in March, lets hope I can renew it. Need to put the Mirage kits away for the time being.