A chance meeting
1 14 February 2018, 05:52

Must be a nightmare I'm having. No. It really looks like Peter actually made something 🙂
Nice highlights with the white primer. The rust on the suspension could be a bit less bright or darker imho.
Good to see you back at building mate 👍
Those last 15 minutes to DT can last soooo long!
14 February 2018, 06:13

Mate how quick are you???? I just uploaded and went to Newsfeed to see if it did load and you have already commented!!
14 February 2018, 06:28

Don't know what actually did it. I was just putting on a decal all innocent like and the paint started coming off on the cotton bud I was using to remove air bubbles. I just stopped and waited overnight to let it dry the sanded it all off. Repainted the cabin, gave it another dull coat and everything went well the second time. I thought it was glue at first but the decal slid around so I think the dullcoat was to thin or not there at all. Who knows, someone will tell me. I'm waiting for Spanjaard to find it and I'll never hear the end of it!
14 February 2018, 07:53

Oh Peter, sorry to do this but I've spotted a small mistake here too. The wheel ...
15 February 2018, 10:10

Interesting idea 🙂
As far as I know it was common practise in summer 1944 that would ahm "buy" a can of gas from Red Ball Express Drivers and the price was paid in uhm with a certain service.
In detail you can read about this in "Road to Victory: Untold Story of World War II's Red Ball Express" by David P. Colley and there is even a novel called "Liberation Road" by David L. Robbins that deals with with topic.
15 February 2018, 12:45

Hey everybody look! Not only does Peters mouth work but he can do things with his hands do too! LOL
15 February 2018, 13:51

Lode, was planning a simple diorama, 2 vehicles and four figures. Was going to be in France but I would like to keep the truck in fairly clean appearance. I will add some more pics today. I have started the weathering and have some ideas I want to try with that. I have spent a lot of time underneath trucks so I know what they look like under their skirts. Might be wasted in the actual dio but it's more of an experiment anyway.
Dirk, thanks for the heads up. I haven't read either but I will now. My meeting was planned for a 'nice' girl in England because I wanted the truck fairly underaged. I did think that reproducing the scenes in 'The Monuments Men' might be a good dio because that happened a lot as well. Besides, the young lady looked very satisfied with her afternoon's work.
Tim, shut up!
JW thanks for your refrained commentary!
15 February 2018, 21:10

Thanks a lot, Peter. I was perfectly happy with my own 6x6 until I saw the work on yours. Now I have to start upping my game.
15 February 2018, 22:13

Thanks Brad. Long way to go with this. Problem for me is that this is the area where my knowledge is held, trucks. I can build a ship or a tank and claim ignorance, but trucks? Nope!!
16 February 2018, 00:21

Looking forward to see what you come up with Peter, Looking good so far! The cynical Bastard! LOL
16 February 2018, 00:38

I was just setting you up for a joke Peter - RH drive in Oztralia, so the steering wheel was on the wrong side. But we've moved on ...
I am looking fwd to how you paint the pretty girl's frock.
16 February 2018, 01:41

Jay Dub, You can bet it'll be ONE colour!!!! Don't worry about setting me up for a joke, I am very big target and don't dodge and weave like I used to!!
16 February 2018, 02:08

Lode you must be getting close to finishing the PoW? Oh, and I find Tim needs to treated with a firm hand.
16 February 2018, 02:10

Brad, you are kidding me! I just went back and had a refresher with your 6x6. If mine was in the same room as yours I would be honoured! That build was legendary!
16 February 2018, 09:17

Hm, didn't know the movie "The Monuments Men", yet - but I think I should watch it sometime.
16 February 2018, 09:22

You're too kind, Peter. But I'll take the compliments when I can.
16 February 2018, 11:10

Can't believe I've missed this Peter, your doing a nice job, especially with the weathering.👍
17 February 2018, 04:02

Prophetic words, made a monumental stuff up today! Going to console myself with a Jameson's or two and repair tomorrow.
17 February 2018, 06:10

That's a really nice choice! I'll do the same with a Glenfarcles too. Maybe a little later up to now it's 7:30 in the morning😄!
17 February 2018, 06:35

Most of the weathering is done now. I wanted an undamaged vehicle that was recently used in bad weather on formed roads, as if going from camp to the local village for supplies. - No mud, I am sooooo sick of mud. Just a bit of wet dirt, dried off. Private Jimmy Deuce can wash it later!
26 February 2018, 02:20

I like the chain. Don't you know everything is bigger in America?
26 February 2018, 19:11

It's true Timothy! Honestly.
When I was a bit younger than today, I was used to ordering a large Cola at McD here in The Netherlands. So when I visited the local McD in Philly, I ordered a large Cola. I swear the cup could hold enough gasoline to let your General Lee drive around the earth a couple of times! The guy behind the counter also said I was entitled to a free refill 🙂
Never bought another large Cola again in the States, or over here for that matter.
26 February 2018, 20:12

The chain is a temp thing until the right one arrives. It's off a Famo kit so believe it or not it is actually in scale in Tamiyaville. Those warning signs were used in England and Oz during and after WWII on US vehicles. I will have to scratch a hook for the chain as well. How is the renovations going Marty?
26 February 2018, 21:08

Hi Peter, especially for you: Redecorating My Workshop | Album by Mahoo76
Room's empty. Next up is painting the wall and laying a new floor. I'd like to say I love it, but that would be lying.....
27 February 2018, 20:35

Started playing with the oily grime under the vehicle. Not there yet and some ideas to fix are circling around the head. 1 pic added to show progress. Click on it direct, second up from the bottom above.
2 March 2018, 00:51

Had a minor disaster to the Chev. It has suffered minor damage from an air attack as time caught up with her. My wall clock fell down and while it didn't actually fall on the Chev, she has suffered some collateral damage. Repairs will have to be delayed until I actually FINISH SOMETHING!
28 March 2018, 01:22

Tragic, to put it mildly. Slap some numbers and racing stripes on it, and I'll throw it in my NASCAR diorama with the other wrecks.
28 March 2018, 03:29

LOL! Oh that's beautiful Brad! I am wrestling with the centre seam on the Ducati bodywork at the moment. It's pushing my buttons too! It might be doing a Vanishing Point remake by tomorrow!
28 March 2018, 04:50

So time finally caught up with your slow building?
This is just plain ****. Sorry to hear she's damaged Peter. I do hope she's salvageable.
28 March 2018, 07:13

Geeze mate that oil and grease looks gunked on, on the underside.👍
28 March 2018, 07:29

Not ruined Jimbo. Needs some love and attention, and a bit of thought.
My attention is fully on this Ducati at the moment. Something new and the learning curve hasn't been turned yet. More skill needed! One day I'll laugh at this current problem, maybe today?
28 March 2018, 22:02

I have Peter, but not as big as the ones out your way, you don't need to crawl under them just duck a little.😢
28 March 2018, 22:18
Album info
A US soldier meets a local girl by chance