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José-Ángel Moreno (Nanche)

Ju-87 G-2 Hasegawa

Photo 1 of 65


23 April 2018, 11:58
Alec K
That cockpit looks great 👍
 23 April 2018, 12:32
excellent cockpit so far. i am in 🙂
 23 April 2018, 19:43
Björn Svedberg
Really nice cockpit! 👍 I'm in too. Waiting for the big guns.😉
 23 April 2018, 21:03
José-Ángel Moreno Szerző
Thank you gents!
 24 April 2018, 18:35
Clifford Keesler
Very nice.
 17 June 2018, 18:21
José-Ángel Moreno Szerző
Thanks Clifford!
 17 June 2018, 19:07
Björn Svedberg
I saw your little teaser with the guns. Nice one! 👍
 19 June 2018, 20:25
Daniel Klink
Whoopy!! Amazing interior mate 👍
 17 February 2019, 19:59
Björn Svedberg
It looks spectacular! I really like your weathering technique. 👍
 18 February 2019, 05:47
José-Ángel Moreno Szerző
Thanks Daniel and Björn!
 18 February 2019, 17:28

Album info

Finished... at last!!

65 képek
1:48 Junkers Ju 87G-2 Stuka w/ Super Detail Gun Pod (Hasegawa CH38)1:48 Junkers Ju87G Stuka 3,7cm BK Pods (Aires 4169)
Junkers Ju 87 G-2 Stuka
3R Wehrmacht Luftwaffe (German Air Force 1935-1945)
I/III St.G 2 <-+- / W.Nr.49143 (Hans-Ulrich Rudel)
Július 1943 World War 2

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