AS365 Dauphin SP
Photo 1 of 57
27 16 August 2018, 10:33

Thanks Harry, on the original model the rear doors are flat. On many Dauphin the rear doors are bulged and NACA air scoop is missing ...
16 August 2018, 12:16

Nice start Ronan. Are you building this as one the Marine Nationale's SAR Dauphins?
16 August 2018, 12:31

ready for another master lesson in scratch building and model making 🙂 hope i can get a good seat, there is already a crowd gathering....😉
2 September 2018, 21:37

Hi Ronan, I love your build so far - I wonder how you will do the intake mesh covers.
9 September 2018, 08:31

du grand Ronan , fabulous, je vais suivre de près...
9 September 2018, 14:49

Many thanks all 🙂
@ Felix : for the moment, i dont know how i will do those covers 😄
9 September 2018, 16:38

@Felix : that's it, the covers are done , not an easy thing ...
12 September 2018, 17:19

Well done so far, Ronan. What did you use to make the air intake filter screen?
12 September 2018, 18:21

i used conical filter Nylon 190 micron that i use at work for industrial painting
12 September 2018, 20:05

looking excellent.
you may want to check this for mesh they have some very thin ones....
12 September 2018, 23:41

Nice work as usual. Some thea-bags also have fine mesh. Look for the triangular ones.
13 September 2018, 04:07

Thanks Ronan, Spanjaard and Bart.
Spanjaard, Which of these do you think may be most appropriate for 1/72?
13 September 2018, 12:09

well, that depends on where to use them😉 i think i have most of them so if you want me to make a picture or check one in particular, just let me know, i can do that next week
13 September 2018, 12:52

belle avancée , vivement la suite , great....
25 September 2018, 16:19

I ask myself why did they choose a box design which is so close to the last Matchbox releases? Happenstance?
8 October 2018, 07:39

Many thanks😉
@Harry : in my humble opinion, it's the best representation of the Dauphin in this scale. No big issues, the biggest issue is the rear doors shape but like all other kits you have always something to add for a better accuracy like the hoist winch...😉
8 October 2018, 14:50

yes ROnan, a future kit to panther and dauphin USCG shortly
8 October 2018, 18:31

Salut Laurent, tu as des infos sur les prochains dauphins de Dream model ?
9 October 2018, 08:02

Ronan: Check out their facebook account:
9 October 2018, 09:08

oui sortie de deux kits en version limitée , une version panther FR avec déco sympa et une version USGC avec panier , le premier me tente bcp
17 October 2018, 19:33

Thanks Marcelo😉
@Laurent : je les ai acheté sur ebay, 19.94 euros port compris chez lucky-kits 🙂
19 October 2018, 06:18

Superb work, stunning as always... When will you post pics of the model instead of the reference?
21 October 2018, 16:38

excellent work, i used to see them fly over all the time when i still lived in Ostend, Belgium (where this helicopter flies NHV, who leased this particular machine to the Aeronavale).
21 October 2018, 18:54

Many thanks Everybody for comments, see you in the next project ...😢
27 October 2018, 16:42

Nice work Ronan, I just got their new long nose HH-65C/D USCG and the AS-565 Panther with the special black 100th anniversary scheme! Both have a new long nose made from resin and a few other bits and pieces!
31 October 2018, 08:16