Short Skyvan Olympic
4 2 September 2018, 16:39

With a little help from Eduard, the cockpit could be improved to a certain point. Assembling the fuselage was a close fight- as will be the necessary filling and sanding! 🙂
3 September 2018, 10:44

looking good. I predict a lot of sanding... and a lot of rivets to be restored... but we're all squared up for this one...
3 September 2018, 11:10

Hi mates! I would like to answer your question with a few pictures. Finished models will be displayed on a small shelf in my workroom as long as they are new and of interest; afterwards they are stored in self made styrofoam-boxes. You can see the piled up boxes in one of corners.
There they are save from dust and damage. And they are ready for the trip to modeling exhibitions. This system, although maybe looking somehow crude, works plenty good by now 🙂
How do you store your models?
8 September 2018, 15:03

Roland, at first: your constant speed and quality of work is very impressive 👍
And regarding your question: I store my models in a glass cabinet (1,20m x 1m) in our flat: [img1]
In meantime I added LED lights which are mounted on L-profiles on the front.
8 September 2018, 15:43

Thank you mates! That´s a smart solution- and the LEDs will highlight skill and tremendous detail on your modeling-gems!
10 September 2018, 18:33

The Skyvan is getting into shape step by step. Now it´s time for priming and first paint!
10 September 2018, 18:35

You can see the Skyvan sanded and with Alclad White Aluminum over a glossy black base on the second picture. After masking the Alu-parts the dark blue fuselage band/ and fins will be sprayed.
15 September 2018, 09:12

Oh please come in front- otherwise you wan´t see much since it is a rather small-sized model! 🙂
16 September 2018, 08:17

Thank you Bart! I tried to flatten the rivets to a point where they are barely recognizable. If they had to be sanded to zero somewhere I hope this will not attract attention all too much. Panel lines will be outlined by paint and pencil.
The Skyvan´s decals have been applied by now- no problem with that- to my surprise! 🙂
20 September 2018, 18:40

I wish i had that much room to work! But knowing me I'd fill it with cabinets and stacks of unmade kits piled up everywhere!
21 September 2018, 02:54

Great progress Roland, good to know the decals work fine 🙂 Can you shed some more light on the "Eduard's help" regarding this kit?
P.S. Huge workshop you have there, I'm jealous!😉
21 September 2018, 10:38

Thank you Lode, Glenn and Lukasz! Eduard has released a very helpful set of interior/exterior etched details plus a masking set for the Airfix-Skyvan. I got mine from IPMS Austria. You can see it applied for the cockpit interior on the first pictures of this project. Quite recommendable!
21 September 2018, 22:03

I just added "Eduard´s help" to the project inventory, Lukasz!
Glenn, sounds as if you are describing my working space..... 🙂
21 September 2018, 22:06

Well, of course.... in the other hand: most of them are still there, although sanded near to invisibility 🙂 Personally I am not unhappy with that, sensing that the real thing did not show that amount of beard stubble.
21 September 2018, 22:19

Ahhh, lucky you, I wish we simple plebeians could buy it too 🙁
22 September 2018, 14:45

Lucky us! Take a look here:
23 September 2018, 12:30

Gentleman, I happily present..... the Skyvan!
After all. this project was a "short"-story with an happy end to me.
Probably not a contest-winner but a lucky opportunity to honour one of those great Airfix kits that have been accompanying me through my lifetime 🙂
5 October 2018, 16:02

Really fantastic Roland... I would assume the finest ever built Airfix Skyvan around 👍
5 October 2018, 17:55

She is a beauty! Thank you Roland for building an Olympic Airways aircraft.
5 October 2018, 18:49

Great looking Skyvan, Roland! I remember watching the Shorts 330s coming into the local airport when I was a kid...
6 October 2018, 01:11

Thank you all mates for this overwhelming reaction! That makes the completition of this model all the more pleasant to me.
Maciej, the Olympic-aircraft indeed was the most appealing version to me!
6 October 2018, 06:27

Moin Roland! Na da hast Du aus der miesen alten Airfix-Krücke aber echt was gemacht!
6 October 2018, 08:30

Thank you Ekki and Holger! Your words are quite a motivating pleasure!
6 October 2018, 18:02

"....old and glorious kit!" Great wording- that´s is just right!
7 October 2018, 16:12

Thank you all for your kind remarks! British indeed- and we love it for that!
PR frets have all chosen the dark side.... rather thick plexi and a very dark cavernous interior have resulted into complete invisibility of the PE-parts
8 October 2018, 16:54

Thank you very much for your words on this not all too new project. That was quite an enjoyable build!
16 April 2020, 19:33

I'm glad this old project resurfaced! Congrats, Roland! 👍 👍 Interestingly enough, this particular Skyvan, SX-BBN, ended up in Austria, as OE-FDI!😉
17 April 2020, 02:18

Thank you! Now that are interesting news! Did not know that; just watched the video of the crash landing end of OE-FDI on youtube.
17 April 2020, 07:27

I can't say it's a pretty aircraft, but your model looks fantastic! Great work on this peculiar little plane Roland!
17 April 2020, 10:33