Revell Jeep Wrangler Rubicon
Photo 1 of 12
27 October 2018, 08:05

Kick Butt Job on this Jeep ! Like that Green ! Just one problem, Should of had TEXAS plates !LOL ! Great Work !!!!
28 October 2018, 02:47

This was my 3rd kit to build (still getting my hobby 'toes' wet as it were), it was alot of fun, but hands-down you win. Great job.
7 November 2018, 03:01

Thanks, Chris. I'm surprised how well it turned out myself but all credit goes to my airbrush! I've never used one before but apart from some initial issues I'm amazed at how well it works and the finish it creates. Of course there's a lot more prep-work and cleanup but definitely worth it.
7 November 2018, 04:48

oh my.... this is your 1st attempt, well done... I'm on my 18th model with an airbrush and I still curse it with blobs and splatters sometimes... I look forward to stalking your progress on here 😄 ps. is your 'Simpson' profile pic a caricature by any chance? Mine is 😄 paid a guy $5 for it, it's really good, I use it for everything 🙂
7 November 2018, 05:09

Just to keep up with you guy's and stay in my theme ! LOL I add my own Jeep Project !
8 November 2018, 02:06

I always like your aftermarket law enforcement decals Robert, I know you get'em off ebay, It'll be cool to see how you dress up the jeep in the end.
8 November 2018, 04:34

I know you guy's like the Little French and Italian cars, I buy a lot from this guy and he just listed a buch lately,and its free shipping and cheap. Item - Gunze Sangyo Citroen 2CV Charleston 1 24 Scale Open Box
9 November 2018, 21:39

Thanks, Robert. Shelby Cobra and Fiat 500 have found a new home.
9 November 2018, 22:47

No sweat ! always like to help out a fellow car guy ! Every body loves a Shelby, and I figured he'd have something you would like !
9 November 2018, 23:33

I have the same Citroen that Tom is working on... and yeeees.... wee cars are fun 😄 ... also, bubble cars and future/prototype cars are wicked too..... I really want this one but I can't find it under $50... which I'm willing to pay, but my bank screams really loud 😄
10 November 2018, 20:20 Item - Fujimi 091921 007 BOND CAR Lotus Esprit Submarine Car 1 24 Scale Kit
27$ plus shipping he has 6 of them.
10 November 2018, 20:22

Dang it Robert!!... Why'd you go and make me spend my money quicker than a kid in a candy store... Just bought it 😄
10 November 2018, 20:29

Police Motto ! Serve and Protect and make buddy's spend money ! Plus for the price cant beat it,if its what your looking for.
10 November 2018, 20:33

😛 I hadn't looked recently for it, but the lowest I saw when I was shopping was $54... so thanks for the save....
10 November 2018, 20:39
Album info
Pictures of the final build.