1/72 X-32 complete

Thank you! 🙂
Although tomorrow I might just spray a little more pledge over the decals, to stop them from peeling off.

Just outstanding work. I hope to get to mine in a few weeks, just need to finish my YF-22 and Yf-23 first.

Looking beautiful!!! 👍 Did you use the Pledge as a gloss coat under the decals?

I did use the pledge yes, putting a coat over the decals too to stop them peeling off.
I decided to use panel wash to smudge it up and make it look grubby like the real thing, but I may have gone a bit overboard with it on the top side...

Although looking at this picture, it may be ok after all. *sigh of relief*

It looks good on the pictures Katya 👍 Don't worry, my first models with applied panel wash are also ruined.

Weathering and second coat of clear on to seal it. NOW it's finished!
Dropped it twice and had to mend the landing gear twice... really need to get it up on a shelf before I do any more damage.

The shelf I intend to put it on isn't actually joined to the wall yet... >~>

Did you try wiping it off with a cloth or q tips dampened in thinner?

When you do a wash, wiping off the excess from to back is how you determine the level of dirty. It also helps to give it the look of being streaked by air flow.

Don's right... feels weird saying that, but it's true. I had to learn the hard way that less is usually more when it comes to weathering. A wash should try to accomplish two things... it gets the nooks and crannies darker so it simulates shadows that would be in there in real life, but which don't show up at small scales. It also adds a "worn" look. Try to think about what would affect wear and tear on an aircraft. Streaks in line with how the air blows over the wings is a good start. Also things like exhaust locations (especially on propellor planes) and around areas where hatches come on and off or where people climb in and out of the cockpit.
Regardless, you've done a great job. And don't worry about people telling you all kinds of useful tips after it's too late to do anything about it. Happens to me all the time. On to the next one!

It kills Greg to say that. LMAO!
To reiterate what Greg said, very often you get advice AFTER you could have used it on that project. Hindsight and all that jazz.
regardless, you did a great job. Cant wait to see the X-35 finished pics.

I see you're improving quicker than I do 😉 Don and Greg are right. I'd only add one thing: playing with wash is much easier if you have strong glossy varnish already in place, one that doesn't react with wash at all. Keep it up! 👍

I did have a layer of pledge down before I put on the panel wash...
Album info
Finished! Italeri's 1/72 Boeing X-32A JSF prototype.
The Boeing X-32 was a competitor to the Lockheed X-35, in the USA's JSF trials of the early 21st century. Resembing a radical departure from typical aircraft design, the X-32 had an unusual delta shape, which combined with the short length and large depth of the aircraft, made it look rather chubby. The large air intake at the front was noted to amusingly resemble a laughing mouth, giving this aircraft the internet nickname of "the happy plane".
The X-32A was the initial super-sonic flight prototype of the X-32, and was not VTOL capable, unlike the second prototype the X-32B.
Ultimately for one reason or another, the aircraft sadly lost the competition to Lockheed's X-35, which entered service as the F-35 Lightning II.
This kit was... a mixed bag to be honest. It had several fit issues, particularly with the upper and lower fuselage, and several of the doors, that made it quite challenging to build in places. There was also a near disaster where the wea