PZL P.7a '1'
1 6 January 2019, 13:46

I also built it years ago and it was said to be the best before Azur and AH appeared lately 🙂
10 January 2019, 19:29

I would say that the Heller kits were one of the best back in the day, after Hasegawa.
11 January 2019, 11:45

That kit helped me establish my limit, I'm not going to use part of the size shown on pic 6 and smaller 🙂 Masking in progress btw.
25 January 2019, 19:42

Nice looking little kit, Lucasz! How do you like the Yahu Instrument panel? I bought one for a Stearman project but haven't used it yet...
26 January 2019, 17:28

Welcome and thanks. Gordon, the Yahu panel was awesome, however mounting place in this particular kit is quite tricky. But I can recommend the panel, the paint is very durable (the paint doesn't come off quickly),I was able to bend it accordingly and the fit was perfectly designed. No complaints at all 🙂
26 January 2019, 19:51

The most frightening parts - the exhausts turned out to be very smartly designed and the assembly was surprisingly smooth 🙂
3 February 2019, 19:15

Thank you both! Once I finish this one, I'll have to take a difficult decision: P.11c by Arma or by IBG?😉
4 February 2019, 13:53

Some (of them) say it's going to show up in April (2019 I hope).
Maybe I would use P.24 as a stop-gap measure😉
4 February 2019, 14:02

Small update - added the wheels, propeller and some minor details. What's left? Washing the wheels, correcting the rigging, windscreen filling (Micro Cristal Clear) and varnish.
18 February 2019, 20:33

Thanks, indeed, the (in)famous Polish Khaki (in the lighter fighter-version) 🙂
24 February 2019, 19:32

Alright folks, 13 of you commented, but nobody spotted missing checkerboards on the tail 😛 (including me 😄).
Now it's really complete, I added and washed them yesterday.
30 September 2019, 14:22

I have to believe that this is a model, and not the real thing!! Wonderful execution!
1 October 2019, 21:50

Thank you Guys. I still think though that my photos are better than my models😉
2 October 2019, 06:31

Gracias. You should definitely get one, it's very nicely engineered.
4 October 2019, 08:07

I have their Hurricane in 72nd, I believe this is well-engineered too, best example in its class in scale.
4 October 2019, 11:13