1/35 Type 74 complete
Photo 1 of 7
1 7 February 2019, 08:57

Thank you! It was my first try doing a tank camo with an airbrush, and as I had no way of masking, I used quite a low pressure to try and counter over-spray.
7 February 2019, 09:39

Very good Katya! Improvement is clearly seen with every model you do 👍
Nice Result 👍
7 February 2019, 11:54

I don't think this is anywhere near as good as the T-26 I did, but it was my first time making a modern tank!
7 February 2019, 12:16

Oops, then i missed that one!? Nevertheless this one looks really good and it is japanese 😉
7 February 2019, 12:39

Noone seemed to comment on the actual finished album of the T-26, so it vanished rather quickly, here it is though:
1/35 T-26 | Project by Comrade Katya (1:35)
And yes, it being Japanese is a plus! Although I actually built this Type 74 for a friend of mine who lives in Germany, it's her favourite tank. 🙂
7 February 2019, 12:44

Well, I didn't actually post any "in-progress" pictures of this one, since I was speeding along with it. But thank you! I just wish all my builds were this easy...
8 February 2019, 17:11

These are excellent results - especially for someone who has only recently started out their airbrushing journey. Love how you have blended the tones - very impressive - wonderful work.
8 February 2019, 21:27

No really, I had no way of masking off parts to paint the camo, so I just turned the pressure down and sprayed it, really hoping that I wouldn't have too much overspray. I have never done a tank camo with an airbrush before (I don't typically do camo for tanks) and only ever done camo once before with it, which had a lot of overspray problems...
9 February 2019, 12:52
Album info
Completed Tamiya 1/35 scale Type 74 MBT, built as gift for my friend Kristine, as this is her favourite tank.