AREA 88: "Flamenco Flight" (Buccaneer)
1 25 May 2019, 04:16

Yes, well, already applied. I tried to lift the Buccaneer marking, but ended up tearing it to pieces. It's got that really thick gashapon paint and assembly was quite sloppy, so I decided to tear it down and clean it up. Hopefully it works.
25 May 2019, 10:01

Found this warning about painting
25 May 2019, 10:49

Yeah, I've seen that. I suspect he tried to just paint over it... that would be difficult as the paint has some kind of varnish on it. I'm stripping it to bare plastic (which is some kind of resin I think), but I think it should take paint all right.
You heard them here first... 😉
25 May 2019, 11:59

I could have got one for £3 can't find any buccaneers now and they are over £20
25 May 2019, 18:29

I got mine off Yahoo Japan, so it was a bit cheaper than that, but not much after shipping. In 1/144 though, there's really no choice between this one and the Welsh Models vacuuform.
The paint stripping is a bit slow going, but mainly because I don't want to just soak it in lacquer thinner. I also added some LEDs to the inside of the fuselage before I close it up again. The plastic is so translucent that I'm worried about the light shining through the fuselage. I'm already fighting that battle with my DC-10 project.
27 May 2019, 23:06

You could make a black paper tube to put round the LEDs or if there is room stick some electrical tape in
28 May 2019, 10:44

yeah... I have some very thin foil that I might try. The metallic paint from Tamiya seems to have done the trick on the DC-10 project, so I'll try that first. But the foil is a strong "Plan B". 😉
28 May 2019, 16:03

The underside panel was quite strange. It was made out of a flexible vinyl. I wonder if this was intended as a battery hatch for something? Well, it needs to go, but luckily I have some tubing that can be scratched into a replacement panel cover.
1 June 2019, 15:12

it was propably intended to be optionally built with the underbelly bombbay open.
1 June 2019, 20:48

Thanks Nils. That's probably a good guess. I mean, it is the space for the bomb bay. I'm just curious why they'd stick a piece of vinyl in there though. Kits come with pieces that telegraph future plans for variants, but in this case the flexible vinyl means you can pop it in and out. So I'm curious why you'd need that?
Well, regardless, I've scratched up a replacement which looks satisfactory in my opinion. With the wires in place though, I decided to try out the stand. I'm going to use some clear tubing for the stand as usual, but I added a bit of a bend to it using a candle. A simple little thing, but I think it already adds something to the presentation.
2 June 2019, 14:33

Good job. Using the tube for the bomb bay was a good idea. Remember seeing a buc's bomb bay rotating when I was a nipper.
2 June 2019, 17:22

Thanks Matthew. I like when a simple idea just works as it's supposed to. I've been sanding it into submission, so I think a coat of primer will show me what's left to do.
2 June 2019, 23:18

Which issue of Area 88 is this from? I don't recall it. I love that series though.
2 June 2019, 23:28

It was not part of the story that was translated into English by Viz/Eclipse. That series ended with issue 42 (although there was the equivalent of about 7 more issues (up to 49) published later in Animerica). This sequence would have been issues 60-61. It is adapted in the Anime though... so it may seem familiar.
2 June 2019, 23:58

Ah, that explains it. I'll have to see about getting the other issues then. Thank you!
3 June 2019, 00:00

Put some primer on... and as expected, it showed me EVERYTHING I still need to do... it's a long list apparently. I really hope at the end, this looks better than it did when I started... no promises though.
4 June 2019, 00:00

I dunno... I put in a lot of work on the engine intakes... but I'm not sure it looks much better. At least they're wider/thinner now... and there's no seam.
7 July 2019, 14:17

For Pirates & Buccaneers, the absence of a leg is a sign of prowess & seniority! Everything as should be I´d say...
11 July 2019, 16:05

Getting close to the end... will have to make some difficult decisions regarding the decals needed. How to make 1/144 scale homemade decals that need a white background... hmmm...
26 March 2020, 01:51

Greg try the following trick: print your design on transparent decal sheet as for the base, but in mirror view, and paint the white areas on the decal with enamel . Apply the decal backwards, the white Will be underneath.
26 March 2020, 23:19

Now that's a very good idea. I'll try that one and see how we make out.
26 March 2020, 23:33

great looking buccaneer, and thanks Erik for the tip, might have to try that myself.
29 March 2020, 10:23

Well, I tried Erik's trick, but at 1/144 scale... it was too small to manage. I ended up just using white-backed decal paper and cutting it as close as possible to the edges. It's certainly not perfect (and I'm not quite happy) but it was the best of some poor options... so it is what it is. I almost forgot to paint and mount the missiles, but other than that, this one is done.
30 March 2020, 23:14

Thanks guys. I painted the missiles and added them tonight, so expect some more close up "glamour" shots soon. I'll show all the flaws~ 😉
31 March 2020, 15:24

Thanks guys. I've updated the gallery here with the "final pics", but I've also update my personal blog - - for anyone interested in getting the "behind the scenes" view on this build, as well as reading a few pages of the Area 88 manga that this build was inspired by.
2 April 2020, 06:16

The "gashapon" (a term I learned thanks to Greg) Buccaneer was one of those projects I was looking forward to, as to their resurrection and completion. And it turned out great. Superb action "glamour" shots... And (is it because of the contrast to the plane's dark color scheme?) the exhaust LEDs look great!
3 April 2020, 00:26
Album info
In order to hit the enemy's fuel storage facility, Major Roundel leads a squadron of planes through a narrow rocky chasm to evade enemy radar defences. To survive the mission, they need to dance the Flamenco of Death!