AREA 88: F-8E Crusader (SHIN + BORIS)
1 12 September 2019, 01:00

All right, taking a seat in this mothership-sized Area 88 project!
12 September 2019, 12:06

It so does... it also reminded me why I hate PE. Very first part I cut off the sprue, the itty bitty handle for the chair... sproing~ right off the end of my tweezers. Grrrrr... then I dumbed the back of the chair into the CA glue puddle trying to recover... Luckily it was just the back and mostly the hidden part... but this doesn't bode well...
16 September 2019, 15:08

Still trying to imagine Greg building a 72-scale kit... 😉
17 September 2019, 14:54

One way to keep PE under control is to stick masking tape on the back, it works for me.
17 September 2019, 16:59

I know 1:72 is bigger than 1:144 but I think your pilot is a little too big
17 September 2019, 21:01

Slavo - LMAO... it sorta feels like that actually. The really strange feeling is this Academy kit is the very first one I worked on in earnest after starting up this modelling hobby "for real" about 4 years ago. I didn't know anything at all and tried to paint all these same parts white with Tamiya enamels and a brush. I remember how frustrated I got with the spotty coverage of the white paint. I also remember thinking how tiny some of the parts were... but they all look huge now.😉
17 September 2019, 22:27

Erik - I actually knew that trick and had masking tape on the back of the fret as I went to glue it. It didn't help when I had it in the tweezers for placement. Perhaps I should've made the extra effort to use blue tack and a toothpick instead... oh, well.
17 September 2019, 22:29

Oleg - Awesome! Let's work on it together!
John - Thanks. I'm glad to see my scratchbuilding mentor isn't shunning my PE adventure.😉
Matthew - A good catch. I was wondering if anyone was going to spot the 1/24 scale "Greg" in the background... I should've known you'd be the eagle-eyed one.
17 September 2019, 22:31

All buttoned up now. The fit is so good on this kit... like a glove!
18 September 2019, 13:48

Hey Greg, I am planning on back dating the same kit to an F-8C in near future, liking what you have done so far
18 September 2019, 15:39

Coming along very nicely 👍 looking forward for the next steps & the "action" pose this build will bring forth... I also really like the job with the yellow. Past comments in threads about cars now make a lot more sense...😉😉
23 September 2019, 10:40

Thanks guys... I guess I have built up a bit of a 1/144 scale reputation. I'm not sure I'm following Slavo's comments though... did hey all shift one build to the left?😉
I had a bit of a set back one on of the airframes. I knocked it off the paint bench and the nose weight I'd glued inside broke free and started rattling around inside. I was ready to smash it, but then cooler heads prevailed and I ended up drilled a small hole in the top, feeding in a styrene support rod with glue on it, and got the thing settled again. I sanded the hole out of existence and went to bed pleased with my ingenuity... only to wake and find the CA fumes found their way out the tail pipe and had CSI'ed my fingerprints permanently to the tail... gah!
The airframe did not survive that second insult, but I carefully saved the cockpit and the sub-assemblies. Luckily you can't turn around but trip over Academy kits here in Seoul, so a quick stop at the LHS on my way home from work today, and we're one air intake away from being back in action.😉
23 September 2019, 11:12

BTW Oleg, if you need some spare parts... I think I have parts of three boxes to spare now... 😛
23 September 2019, 11:16

Thanks Greg!) I'll keep it on mind) Now I'm full of aftermarkets to this model and trayng to put all this together.
24 September 2019, 07:50

I tried the. Lack undershading for about the millionth time, but this is the first one that seems to have worked well enough to be called a success. I'll take small victories.
30 September 2019, 00:26

Maybe a weird tip, but try to tape of one side (most to the front) of the panelline before spraying the preshade. Gives more depth, along with more work. Also for a preshade, one doesn't have to use black, certainly not under pale camo, but a darker shade. Pale colors don't cover dark surfaces well, so if the contrast is to much, you'll only making it more difficult
30 September 2019, 04:28

Mask.. paint... overspray... mask... paint... underspray... mask... paint...
It's coming along, but my need for perfection on this one is starting to get the better of me I think.
6 October 2019, 23:12

Amazing stories and info from an F-8 pilot
Youtube Video

You really could fly with the wings folded!
7 October 2019, 10:55

Thanks for those Matthew. I've got plans for this same F-8E duo flying with their wings folded for a 1/144 scale project. I also had a stroke (of genius) this evening. Martin's chipped paint tractor build got me inspired to turn the third step-sister... the F-8E kit that I don't talk about that's sitting half finished on my shelf because I wasn't pleased with my work and replaced it with these two... into a neat Area 88 anniversary project.
The manga started 40 years ago in 1979 and in the third chapter, Shin's F-8E gets shot down (Boris bites the dust in his in the second chapter... neither of these planes lasted a long time in the story). It just occurred to me that with 1979 to 2019 being the 40th Anniversary, what if I "discovered" the wreckage of Shin's F-8E and turned it into a sort of "war memorial" for the (fictional) Asranian Civil War. So basically... what would Shin's F-8E look like after being shot down and spending 40 years in the sand and the sun... I doubt it would rust... right? Extremely faded paint almost down to bare metal for sure... hmmm... the wheels are turning now.
8 October 2019, 15:12

Good! It's precisely because of such strokes (of genious) and ideas, as well as their usually spectacular realization / implementation that people follow your projects. Go on - there are lots of photos on the net of old jets abandoned or turned into war memorials for you to find some inspiration. And no model deserves to be left unbuilt, if one can find an idea to turn it into something...
8 October 2019, 17:01

These might help
8 October 2019, 17:03

I suddenly have F-8Es coming out of everywhere!
As far as the actual build goes, I ended up glueing on almost all the undercarriage bits. I always have a conundrum about paint first, then glue, or glue first then paint. Neither of them seems to work well for me... even when I try my best I seem to be unable to not leave a glue-induced fingerprint smudge. Luckily I think it's only paint deep, not really into the plastic, so I think I can recover... but gah!
9 October 2019, 13:58

I also took some time to start thinking about my parallel project. I actually have two unbuilt F-8Es... one of which was the first model I tried building when I got serious a few years back. It's beyond saving, and it's been on the organ donor list for a long time now, but it had one more sacrifice to make... I cut it up to get an idea of what the crash site would look like. I've been toying with the idea of simply(!) going with an outdoor museum piece that's rusting away, or an actual crash site. Still not quite sure, but leaning towards the crash site. Any votes? Thoughts? Good ideas? Suggestions?
9 October 2019, 14:02

Hmmm... I beg to differ... I have a soft spot for museum pieces... and especially neglected, rusting museum / monument pieces... And I may also point out that you already have a (Dakota) crash-site project ongoing, no?
9 October 2019, 16:52

My thought is that after being shot down there wouldn't be enough left for a war memorial
9 October 2019, 16:59

Please do better than this: Derelict F-8 Crusader - Finished | Album by Mahoo76 (1:72)
I vote half buried in the desert 👍
9 October 2019, 17:54

Dammit Martin! THAT's where I saw that dio! I KNEW I'd seen someone do a great job already, but I couldn't remember where. Fantastic! Thanks for reminding me, I'm going to go study those pics again. Of course, now that Martin's project is back front and centre, I have no choice but to go for the half-buried look. Ok. Stay tuned to this channel...😉
9 October 2019, 22:43

It´s really obvious you enjoy working on the big canvas😉 And it´s a pleasure to watch, nice going!
10 October 2019, 08:25

Almost there... have I mentioned how much I hate PE parts? What a nightmare to get them in place after the painting is done. Oh, well, I did my best. The main work is done, now for some detailing and armament.
14 October 2019, 14:10

Alright... so all the painting is now done, and I've given them both a coat of Future and a panel line wash. I ended up breaking off just about every piece that was sticking out in the process, and had to re-reglue them all. For the most part it went alright. I did manage to stick a giant glue finger print on the top of Shin's (blue one) wing, but a bit of careful sanding to remove the paint ridges and some even more careful painting and blending and you can't really see where it was... and I'm not tellin'
All that's left now are the decals....
20 October 2019, 23:54

Greg, "suffer for your art". You will be rewarded with two outstanding builds. The PE will enhance the craftsmanship. Guaranteed!
21 October 2019, 07:15

I'm not going to rush the decals... I'm NOT going to rush the decals... I'M NOT GOING TO RUSH THE DECALS!
21 October 2019, 15:18

Why indeed, Martin... 🙂
I have a bad tendency to think of the decals as "just the last little bit" and I usually just slap a few on and call it done. I'm really trying to channel my inner Spanjaard and remember how long he took to put all the decals on his amazing F-4s. One thing that's caused me to pause is that I'm mixing and matching decals from both the Hasegawa Area 88 kit and the Academy one. Shin's F-8E decals are a bit sparse, but I'm trying to include all the "don't step here" ones that I think would probably still be there.
I have to say, one of the F-8E Academy decal sheets is from 2004 and the other is from 2013... the quality is a HUGE difference.
21 October 2019, 23:11

Don't be Spanjaard, we all think the same about your F4. We just don't mention the 1000 mile stare on the bike rider!
21 October 2019, 23:33

Peter i was trying to depict the anxiety of the race and the proximity of an possible accident and.... bullshit 😛 yes, you are totally right 🙂 i never said i could do figures... but after some training about the subject.... i may actually give it a try in the near future (in smaller scale, and maybe giving them sunglasses to avoid the eyes 😄 😄 )
21 October 2019, 23:57

Meanwhile... back at the ranch...
I'm done! Yay! I didn't rush the decals, even though it took three sessions to get through all the itty bitty markings for both planes. It was a mix and match between the Academy and Hasegawa decals, but I think that was the right choice. I was a bit stricter with Shin's blue Crusader, but I just went with my gut for Boris' brown one. Anyway, a final coat of Future seals the deal and that's a wrap. I'll take some glamour pics once I'm sure everything is bone dry.
24 October 2019, 14:35

Let me be the first to congratulate you on a fantastic double build. Well done 👍
24 October 2019, 14:41

Cool looking stuff Greg 👍 👍 👍!
Which kit works better the Acadamy or Hasegawa. Just your opinion...
24 October 2019, 18:14

Greg, I dips me lid! You work on a different scale not just in a different scale. Awesome detailing from the "Mysterious East"! Pity about the shark mouth.......😉
24 October 2019, 22:27

Thank you gentlemen. I appreciate the kind words. I'm not a huge fan of the shark mouth either, Peter, but his one is iconic and a must.😉
Konrad - hands down the Academy Kit is much better than the old Hasegawa one. There's no real comparison. The only reason I bought the kit was for the decals.
24 October 2019, 22:51

Thanks Danny. I added up some final "glamour pics" for those that are interested in seeing it close up and personal... 🙂
27 October 2019, 08:46

amazing work, very impressive, the shaded panel lines really bring out the detail 👍
27 October 2019, 09:54

Thanks guys. Well, they say fifth times the charm, right?
I have a special love-hate relationship with this particular kit. It was the first one I bought after I got serious about this model building thing. It set the bar very high in terms of details and fit, but it also was complex enough to cause me abandon it 4 timeS.
I was determined to prove to myself that I had the skill and experience now to get the job done this time, so I'm happy I succeeded. I'm also glad build #2 was able to be helpful as a proof-of-concept test piece, that build #3 got repurposed into a crash site build project, and build #4 eventually did achieve glory in a supporting role, playing the Boris Crusader to Shin's blue one.
And wherever build #1 ended up, I hope it knows that I couldn't have done it without it... oh, and, Urm... sorry about the whole "tossing you in the bin in rage" bit.😉
27 October 2019, 22:34

Spectacular finish. Totally amazing work. I started watching the manga saeries. I kind of like it.
29 October 2019, 11:17

Thank you kindly, gentlemen. Bryn - the anime series is more easily digested for most people (and often the OVA vs. The TV anime) but reading the manga adds several layers to the story experience. Either way though, as long as you enjoy it, that's all that counts.
29 October 2019, 14:27

Cheers Greg... I did not know what you can do in 72-scale... Now I do. Big thumbs up for a top job on these twins 👍 👍 Really like your approach to colors & weathering 👍
2 December 2019, 11:25

Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. I'm glad to see Slavo back in action as well, I've missed you! It's kind of neat to see all the cross-pollination of skills here at Scalemates. Between Slavo's meticulousness and awesome detailing in 1/48 scale planes, Lode's insanely patient PE-intense ship builds (both sea and land apparently) and Chris' amazing decal-rific cars and trucks... I learn a lot from all of you and I'm happy if I can add something to the mix.
2 December 2019, 13:37
Album info
A twin build of the F-8E Crusaders flown by Shin and Boris in the Area 88 manga.