Arado Ar 234 B-2/N „Nachtigall”
2 23 January 2020, 10:08

very nice result! Do you have some in progress pictures to share with us? (why not linkt the album to the kit you used so it will show up when some does a search for the revell kit)
23 January 2020, 15:34

Thank you.
I didn't take pictures during work because... ...because I forgot about it... I'm sorry... Generally the model is (IMHO) difficult. The parts don't fit well. I had to use relatively much putty.
The black bottom of the plane is a mixture of Flat Black and RLM66 (Mr.Hobby) in 1:1 proportions - it gave an interesting colour effect. On the picture you can't see it so well.
23 January 2020, 17:29

Very nice looking camoflague, Maciej! A lot of patience required for all those individual blotches!
25 January 2020, 00:53
Album info
Revel (04505), 1:48
Kommando Bonow (Hptm. Kurt Bonow) Oranienburg 1945