DONE ! SA 341 Gazelle - Stop Poaching !
Photo 1 of 34
21 25 March 2020, 20:07

Hi Bart
🙂 It was a coincident that I saw that Picture at FlightZone - that camo was the only reason why I finaly decided to start that kit. It was on the shelf for ages.
25 March 2020, 20:18

Until I wait for some paint I have on order, I will put the project on hold - and do some experiments with the digital camo. There a no decals or stencils for that livery, so I have to find my own way,....
5 April 2020, 18:00

Cant wait to see how this turns out. I like this little kit. Completed | Album by Menaivalley (1:72)
7 April 2020, 14:46

@all - thx for the comments,...Dave, Tim - I am not sure yet, but I will to some trials with decals for sure.
7 April 2020, 17:37

Tim - you are right, this is a nice little kit. And you did a nice build.
I did not really find the kit respectively the helicopter itself very interessing until I stumbbled over the pictures from Kruger National Park - Gazelle seems to be a hidden beauty.
7 April 2020, 17:41

do not forget to ballast the model at the front under the pit
8 April 2020, 15:23

Hi Laurent - thx for your advice, but it is already too late. 🙁
I closed the canopy yesterday and attached the skits for a trial,....a tailsitter - omg, a stupid mistake. I totaly forgot to consider this. Guess I will need to enter some fishing lead through the holes in the engine cover,....will let you know how that worked out.....
8 April 2020, 16:53

okay- some lead shots did a good turned out ok. 🙂
9 April 2020, 14:46

Let it dry well, I heard stories where after some longer time the lead reacted with CA. 👍
9 April 2020, 14:49

I've had lead and CA heat up so much as it's curing it melted the plastic.
9 April 2020, 16:06

"You live and learn".... thx for all your inputs - never heard of exotherm reaction of CA & lead before.
No melted plastic so far & I really hope I was lucky and the kit survive unharmed.
10 April 2020, 07:36

Good work on the tail rotor shaft. Not easy drilling holes in small parts like that without ruining them.
11 April 2020, 20:38

Thx for your interest and coments mates! I am excited too....I really wonder how it turns out at the end?!
13 April 2020, 13:49

Very nice work. I'm hoping to find one of these in 1/144, but I assume there'll be a lot of scratchbuilding, so I'm following along to see how this one turns out.
13 April 2020, 14:25

Burkhard - sorry for that and I hope that is fine for you. Honestly spoken I did not take care whilst checking the internet for Gazelle Rotorheads. NOW, with your input I was checking again and recognized the copyrights on the lower right corner - so I checked out the link to your Homepage now: great source !!! Ton's of Aircraft details - super!
19 April 2020, 10:39

No worries, Juergen - fine for me. My website is made for scale modelers. 🙂
19 April 2020, 13:45

After spending nights to cut squares in 1/72 for a paint mask that would do he job I resigned. So I decided to ask for help: Thx to Daniel !! Check out his website - a good source for decals with Austrian background btw.
He was of great help for me on this South African bird. Looking forward to start ....
26 April 2020, 06:26

@ Erik: It was fortuity that a read on his home page that he is doing "individual" requests as well - so if there is a good picture reference available I can highly recommend to get in touch with him, he might be interested.
@Laurent: I am curious about it - this week end is blocked with other stuff, but a trial on the vertical fin I did already. It looks great.
26 April 2020, 12:15

I used the last couple days to dress my chopper. All decals on, without accident.
29 April 2020, 08:23

Laurent - not sure about your question with respect to decal - l'autocollant. Fait maison (more or less, again thx's to Daniel) as there is no aftermarket product and painting seemed to be a nightmare.
Greetings to all - have a nice weekend.
1 May 2020, 07:40

Gents - an absolute fun project has ended. The bird is finished. I added a few pic's of it's final appearance. thx for watching 😉 and your interest. cheers.
13 May 2020, 19:59

🙂 thx to all for your kind feedback. I'm happy to hear that you like it too!
14 May 2020, 17:17

Laurent, Paul, Matthew, Tim --> Thx for your kind comments.
26 May 2020, 15:07

Deine Gazelle habe ich ganz übersehen. Gefällt mir sehr gut in ihrer außergewöhnlichen Digi-Tarnung.
7 June 2020, 06:49

Just picked this kit up today, and I remembered your awesome build, so I'm trying to "tag" it for future reference. There should be a "favourites" feature where you can collect other people's projects/galleries and keep them from getting lost.
26 April 2021, 06:19

Greg, I use the bookmarks feature in my browser, you can create a folder of just scalemates stuff.
26 April 2021, 11:51

Have fun with the SA Gazelle kit Greg - keep us posted when you start it up !!!
28 April 2021, 06:09
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