Voir et Savoir 37 - Macchi C-202
1 26 March 2020, 02:13

I've been wanting to try out a "refurbish" of these prebuilt gashapon kits. I wonder why we don't see more of them released as regular kits.
26 March 2020, 07:07

Never seen F-toys in Europe. I guess they are specially made to fill Gregs shelves.
26 March 2020, 15:21

Thanks guys. F-Toys doesn't really make kits, they make gashapon (trading figures) for the Japanese market. Y'know, "buy a box and find out what's inside! Collect them all! Trade with your friends!" ... or sell, opened boxes on eBay.😉
They make really nice moulds though, and a lot of Platz kits started out as F-Toys. Of course the problem with any pre-painted and assembled kits like this is that a) the paint is usually thick and b) there are a lot of gaps at the seams.
So, I'm doing my best to remove the paint, fill the gaps and build out some (hopefully) better-looking results.
3 April 2020, 00:16

Some mates have the biggest stash, some have a huge amount of 109 kits, but you are on a good way to have the biggest amount of finished projects 👍 I hope you have enough space at home, but with 1:144 projects it should be fine for a while.
22 April 2020, 18:05

Heh, bugsy... you've hit the nail on the head. One of the big reasons I try to limit myself to 1/144 (and smaller 1/72 scale) projects is exactly because of shelf space. I recently had to "retire from display" a couple of my early builds. They've been relegated to plastic take out food containers awaiting the day when I have more shelf space~
22 April 2020, 23:55

Some hand painted camouflage... turned out better than I expected.
26 April 2020, 15:59

That's the kind of camo I'll never be brave enough to tackle in 1/72... Congrats!
26 April 2020, 17:40

Camouflage hand painted in 1:144? A shaky hand is needed to cause the fraying!😎 The result is great and could be bigger scale!
26 April 2020, 18:03

Thank you, mates. This one is now mostly done. I had to redo the painting on the tail because of some massive paint bleeding under some crappy tape disguised as an awesome new solution let me down. The decals are a mix of "came with" and homemade. I'm quite pleased with the roundels on the wings. I printed the. On white backed decal paper and then used a punch to cut out the circle. There's a tiny bit of a register issue, but not too bad at all. Just need to wire up the base now.
3 May 2020, 15:47

Thanks! I finished up the base this evening, so I'll snap some final pics soon.😉
4 May 2020, 11:35

I can almost hear the angry-buzzing propeller and the camo pattern mildly resembles the job on the Su-35 "901 Blue" prototype - I like it all very much! 👍
I guess this is even smaller than your typical 144-scale situation, it all really came out great!
4 May 2020, 13:12

Thanks Slavo. That means a lot coming from a master like yourself. I've uploaded the final images and updated my blog - strobez.ca/wp/index.../05/37-macchi-c-202/ - and to hear the buzzing propeller, here's a little video to go with it 😉
Youtube Video

5 May 2020, 04:29

I love it mate but you've made a boo boo with the roundels as they should point to the wing tips.
5 May 2020, 17:07

Ahh... now I see what you mean, Urban. That's what I get for using a comic book drawing as the subject. The image is unclear, but instead of throwing Hergé under the bus, I'll claim ignorance and file that boo boo under "live and learn".😉. Thanks for pointing that out. I appreciate it.
I saw a fellow "Area 88 1/144 enthusiast" from Japan hand paint the camouflage on a Draken J35 and I thought I should pick up a brush once in a while too. This worked out well, so, it won't be the last time. Thanks for the encouragement everyone.
5 May 2020, 22:03

Definitely an inspiration Greg. I've been looking at 1:144 kits I might otherwise ignore thanks to you!
6 May 2020, 00:33

Thanks Nathan. At first, I dismissed 1/144 scale as just "toys" not worth my time, but they've got a lot more going for them than you might think. The trick is not to get deceived by the small size. If you put in the same work you would on 1/72 or 1/48, the results will show. Besides being able to assemble an Air Force that includes everything from a Curtiss RC3 bi-plane to a B-747 Commercial airliner, all in the same relative scale makes for a neat display.
6 May 2020, 01:41