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Bob Hall (springfieldm14)

2007 Dodge Charger DPS Texas State Trooper


2 30 April 2020, 04:37
Peter Hardy
What happened to Georgia? Bob, every time I think of you or see your name I think of Sheriff Buford T Justice. Or Junior, one of the two!
 30 April 2020, 05:16
Bob Hall Szerző
Bufford was a Texas Sheriff ! But this was my first work car.

 30 April 2020, 05:20
Peter Hardy
When I get home I'm gunna punch your Mamma in the mouth!
 30 April 2020, 07:49
Nice ride
 30 April 2020, 08:18
Nigel Chapman
Those Chargers make great Police cars
 30 April 2020, 08:45
Tom Ballhoff
Nice one mate
 30 April 2020, 10:31
Good looking state trooper!
 30 April 2020, 16:36
Awesome work Bob 👍 Chargers are real bruisers! Were your old trooper cars Pentastar V6's or Magnum V8's?
 30 April 2020, 17:12
Bob Hall Szerző
Back in the day it was all V8. With the exception of a few pursuit cars, their all V6 now a days.
 30 April 2020, 17:23
Christian W
I like this Charger too. I like the front. It Looks Pretty agressive. Some days ago my wife told me while we watched a movie: "Like this car - what is it?" 😄 I probably see a muscle car in our future.

What About this bumper bar? Did you built it by yourself? I think it is not in the box. I have to check this. I have the undecorated Police car in my shelf.
 7 May 2020, 07:48
Bob Hall Szerző
The push bar comes in the kit along with 8 different light bars and other police vehicle parts.
 7 May 2020, 17:46
Bob Hall Szerző
Youtube Video
 21 June 2020, 02:29
Peter Hardy
Bob gets in the car, start of shift and cranks this up! C'mon Bob, try and deny it!
 21 June 2020, 04:35
Bob Hall Szerző
I'm the guy that's the BOSS on this Highway !
 21 June 2020, 04:39
Peter Hardy
Do ya get a red one?
 21 June 2020, 09:03
Bob Hall Szerző
We leave those for the Fire Chiefs !
 21 June 2020, 18:49
Peter Hardy
 21 June 2020, 22:24
Bob is really Judge Dredd
 21 June 2020, 23:57
Chaz Gordon
Grudd dammit
 22 June 2020, 00:09
Bob Hall Szerző
I AM THE LAW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 22 June 2020, 02:10
Peter Hardy
Running away very quickly!
 22 June 2020, 02:39
Bob Hall Szerző
Youtube Video
 29 July 2020, 05:39
Bob Hall Szerző
 15 August 2020, 22:56
 15 August 2020, 23:13
Bob Hall Szerző
It's A Texas State Trooper Funko Pop Figure, I have to get one of theses ! Detailed Authentic Uniform Too
 16 August 2020, 01:47

Project info

18 képek
1:24 Dodge Charger (Lindberg 72785)

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