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B-2 conversion


16 28 August 2020, 15:57
Skyhiker Szerző
Starting a new project. Since this kit was brought out before the B-2 was public, I thought I would make it into a fictional experimental plane in aluminum. What do you guys suggest?
 28 August 2020, 16:08
Skyhiker Szerző
Or perhaps I will paint it like the space shuttle. Any ideas?
 28 August 2020, 16:52
Matthew A
Space shuttle sounds interesting.
 28 August 2020, 19:19
Ray Seppala
The shuttle scheme would look great on it, the the shape of this kit lends well to it.
 28 August 2020, 23:34
Ben M
What would a future robot plane look like?
 29 August 2020, 02:07
Skyhiker Szerző
I'm debating whether or not to square off the wing tips and add Winglets. What do you guys think?
 29 August 2020, 18:08
Skyhiker Szerző
Decided to go with the Winglets.
 29 August 2020, 20:02
Skyhiker Szerző
Cut the wings, and spent most of the day thinning the flaps and ailerons.
 30 August 2020, 01:02
Skyhiker Szerző
Filling and sanding today.
 31 August 2020, 19:18
Skyhiker Szerző
More filling and sanding today
 1 September 2020, 23:47
playtime 222
Reminds of the Revell F-19 I think it was before the F-117 appeared properly... and found it SCM Search: Lockheed F-19 stealth fighter*
 18 September 2020, 12:26
Skyhiker Szerző
Yes, I made a F-19 last year. It came out well.
 18 September 2020, 15:42
Interesting... Following.
 18 September 2020, 18:05
Skyhiker Szerző
Working on panel lines today.
 19 September 2020, 22:57
Donald Dickson II
You can do whatever you want on this baby. LOL No one can say it isnt correct.😉

Personally I think that would be wicked cool in a NMF.
 19 September 2020, 23:29
Skyhiker Szerző
What's NMF stand for?
 20 September 2020, 02:09
Donald Dickson II
Natural Metal Finish.
 20 September 2020, 02:58
Skyhiker Szerző
Yes, that's what I was thinking.
 20 September 2020, 05:08
Carl Wimmi
Nice work. I also have this kit in the stash. Agree on the winglets just because! 🙂
 20 September 2020, 10:30
Skyhiker Szerző
Yes I thought the rounded wings just looked wrong.
 20 September 2020, 13:18
Skyhiker Szerző
Scratch built vertical stabilizers attached and panel lines finished.
 20 October 2020, 04:39
Nice job with vertical stabilizers and panel lines 👍
 20 October 2020, 11:40
Skyhiker Szerző
Thank you, Cuajete. I'm working it out.
 21 October 2020, 00:44
Matthew A
Shiny 😛
 21 October 2020, 09:57
Jeremy Wiltcher
Looks great, I've always liked this model, actually I like it more that the "real" B-2.
 21 October 2020, 11:03
Skyhiker Szerző
Thanks Jeremy, I think it looks a lot like the early Horten designs that were never produced. But the Hortens never designed anything this big. Jack Northrop made a few this size.
 21 October 2020, 11:45
Skyhiker Szerző
 24 October 2020, 17:15
Skyhiker Szerző
Putting the gloss coat down.
 2 December 2020, 13:29
Like a mirror 👍
 2 December 2020, 19:00
Skyhiker Szerző
Sanding, sanding and more sanding....
 18 December 2020, 15:02
Superb work for such a large surface. This is better than going to the gym 😛
 18 December 2020, 18:54
Skyhiker Szerző
Thank you Cuajete. I hope it pays off in the end. I realized that I scratched the bottom surface in a few areas and will have to see what I can do about that next. I also sanded a spot past the paint which could become a major problem at this stage. It's one big adventure.
 18 December 2020, 20:19
Hoping to see this finished some day, looks great so far!
 23 December 2022, 08:44

Album info

Converting an old B-2 Stealth bomber kit into a fictional experimental plane.

21 képek
1:72 Stealth B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber (Revell 4577)

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