Metal Gear Rex
Photo 1 of 23
3 16 September 2020, 17:50

Thanks Roland! At first, I was kinda scared to paint it, but in the end it was worth it.
@Zach Wilson: If you get the chance you should definitely buy it. You can give Rex a lot of cool poses to display it.
Weathering was a lot of fun too, though I kept it rather simple. Just some chipping and a dark wash.
Right now I am thinking about making a small diorama to display it with, but I don't know yet what exactly. Maybe maintenance or rather something more dynamic.
18 September 2020, 16:50
Album info
This kit has been built a few years ago.
After a long time on the shelf I finally decided to paint it.
Looking forward to paint my other mecha kits as this was my first. It's something new and still quite challenging.
No photo booth yet, so kitchen table and the balcony need to make do for the time being.