Scalemates Messerschmitt Bf 109 Group Build 2020
24 25 October 2020, 19:19

Great looking cockpit! 👍. Where have I seen that before..., I have a strange feeling of déja vu..😉 Nice to see another Gustav.
25 October 2020, 20:58

Haha Björn, the wrath of group builds, somehow they all look alike😉
Thanks 👍!
25 October 2020, 21:03

Excellent start Sergej, watching with great second 109 build will be also an Eduard kit...👍
27 October 2020, 23:38

Thank you all, yesterday I closed the pit. Last two pictures added before nothing can be seen anymore 😄
28 October 2020, 06:50

Thank you Erik. I have a confession to make. I did not prime and apparently the model was a bit on the greasy side, so I could not tape straight lines on wings, had to freehand them. Oh well, will do better next time.
28 December 2020, 19:19

Trying to get ahead of Roland 🙂
Wash done, next is matt, grime/grease/smoke, matt, then final assembly... a lot of work for one last day hehe...
Considering I managed to throw the damn plane on the ground today and rework on antennas and rear-wheel. Luckily Eduard keeps so much spares it's easy to scavange.
Oh yes, I also managed to grip the front end with a glove soaked in MLT. So additional gray and yellow painting and lacquering... 2020 end of year is loong overdue :/
30 December 2020, 18:44

Finished! Crude photos just to prove my deadline 🙂, will make better ones when day. I enjoyed the Gustav, for sure not my last 109-er.
1 January 2021, 20:29

Absolutely beautiful work there Sergej🙂 The tones on the upper wing are eye candy.
1 January 2021, 20:39

Thank you Roland! I should make some better photos of this one, deserves better 🙂
29 May 2021, 21:45
Album info
Victor Petermann's bird, June 1943

Scalemates Messerschmitt Bf 109 Group Build 2020
1. Október amíg 31. December 2020
1. Október amíg 31. December 2020