Blanik and Krtek
19 13 January 2021, 21:16

Nice work so far! How was the fit of the canopy to the fuselage?
14 January 2021, 20:36

Thanks! To make the canopy fit I added those styrene strips to lift it. The canopy was also wider (about less than 1mm) than the original fuselage so I tried to narrow the canopy with hot water and a gentle squeeze, and I put a tiny strip of 0,4mm styrene sheet between the fuselage halves. Still it's not perfect and has some of Micro Kristal Klear filling the gaps.
14 January 2021, 21:51

From the sculpted mole to the Blanik-La Cicciolina connection (!!!) this project gets more and more interesting! Good work!
30 January 2021, 02:44

Great little glider, although I believe that it still has quite the wingspan in 1:72.😉
I really love the mole, he looks great. 👍 Did you use acrylics to paint him?
12 February 2021, 12:01

Thanks, WhiteGlint! I did paint the Mole with acrylics. I haven't done any figure painting before and my expectations for brush painting acrylics were pretty low. Most of my paint are Vellojo Air and some regular Vallejo-paints were pretty thick. Fortunately I succeeded somehow by using Vallejo Flow Improver, that prolonged the drying time and thinned suitably the paint.
12 February 2021, 17:35

Thanks for the tip with the flow improver and paint drying retarder, S M. 👍
I tried some figure painting not that long ago, too. The results were... okay, for the first time, I guess.
It's a lot different than painting aircraft or tanks.
13 February 2021, 08:32

Lukasz and Alex said it already. Lovely describes it best. 👍
21 February 2021, 07:18
Album info
Straight out of the box Slovak Blanik OM-2709 "Ylena Staller" with a picture of the Mole (Krteček or Krtek, animation character) in its nose.