1999 Moonbase
Photo 1 of 5
7 15 February 2021, 07:38

Sign? Both - it was placed where it was not allowed, and the person who removed let me have it.
23 July 2021, 18:09

Any progress Brian? I have stalled out on my build as well, looking for inspiration..
23 July 2021, 18:36

About to finally putty / fill the seams - should be quick then I can prime. I was going to use Aves Epoxy Putty, but decided it was too stiff for that, so I got some of their paste recently.
24 July 2021, 03:47

Ah, cool glad to see you back at it. I may need to watch a marathon of Space:1999 episodes to get my mojo back.
24 July 2021, 06:01

I too am scratching my head wondering why I haven't made any progress on my build, but may I suggest that you use drywall joint compound mud for filling in gaps? It's dirt cheap, and easily cleaned up with water, and you can get great texture by dabbing it with a stick, like playing with your mashed potatoes. As far as simulating lunar regolith, I was planning on using finely sifted tile grout to achieve a very powdery surface. This idea is unproven though.
3 February 2022, 20:50
Album info
Images of my build of the Space 1999 Moonbase.