Spitfire mk-14c asia (display)
Photo 1 of 192
17 24 February 2021, 13:43

It is a great looking build Vincent.
Added details looks really super.
Something pipped my interest towards the end
and I went back through, I believe they sent you
the wrong size decals. 1/48th kit?
5 May 2021, 03:10

Thanks and yes this is the 1/48 kit. I Thought this asia scheme did just have smaller roundels.
The decals don't feature a scale unfortunaly.
5 May 2021, 10:06

I just checked it again and you are right. the scale is 1/72. I still can't find it on the decals itself but i checked the reverence picture and it is indeed off by a bit. very unfortunate. I waited a month for these decals to arrive and was blinded by the hype. It isn't easy to get those decals.
5 May 2021, 11:41

ΒΤW i think that with some care there are ways to apply the right decals, without spoiling the made model.
18 May 2021, 07:36

Yes I heared some more people say that. I may try it in the future.
18 May 2021, 13:58

I've just seen this build. Really a fantastic job!
I agree with Dimitri : mistakes are just temporary!
15 August 2021, 09:32
Album info
This is my favorite prop plane and i really want to do it justice. I bought this kit beacuse a saw pictures of it and it looked pretty good and has a nice price here in the netherlands. But the decals aren't the best. So i Decided to try after market decals. While i waited on the decals to arrive i decided to contruct the plane and make some modifications to the kit. I bought some styrine sheet and wanted to try it.
- Forgot armour plate behind the seat
- Forgot some seat frameing.
- Got sent 1/72 scale decals and didn't realise in time.
- Cannon bay frame
- Hispano cannon.
- Airfilter scratch build.
- Air frame behind the cockpit
- Cloth seating to hid pin marks.
- Antenna added.
- Seatbelts added to seat.