22 12 July 2021, 09:58

Nice build, Robert , looking very good! I like your presentetion , on dark and white.
26 July 2021, 18:27

Thank you, Mark. This kit is designed so well that it just cannot be done bad. 😉
26 July 2021, 20:32

This kiwi had camouflaged itself and grew wings, Łukasz, but it looks like there is an egg hidden insides... 😄 Thanks!
27 July 2021, 13:00

Looking good Robert, did you buy and build another after this one?
28 November 2021, 11:49

Thank you all, Mates, much appreciated.
@Jan - actually I have bought another one and it is waiting for its time (i.e. for my decision if I want a RAF or rather a Swedish plane.
28 November 2021, 16:58

lovley build i am a kiwi and i love how it looks so realistic to the ones my local air muesum
30 November 2021, 00:30

Thank you, Charlie, I am glad you like it 🙂 This is a very modeller-friendly kit, so I think you should give it a try too 😉
30 November 2021, 06:46

Thanks, Thomas, very appreciated. Like I've said, the kit is so well designed that this effect was achieved with no effort... 😉
30 November 2021, 06:52

Maybe there will be another ocassion to get this one, soon 😉
1 December 2021, 07:29

dont know i do have a large stack of models waiting for me and my mum and dad dont want me geting any more
1 December 2021, 21:58

I believe almost all modellers here at Scalemate face the same situation in this way or another, Charlie - for example, I have just promised my wife that I will not buy models any more as I have about 300 of them not assembled yet... With respect to the kits produced by leading, big manufacturers it is not a problem, as usually these are reissued from time to time. But when you know that the specific kit will probably be only limited edition... 😉
2 December 2021, 04:15
Album info
One of the most modeller-friendly kits I ever have dealt with. I liked it so much that I consider purchasing and assembling the next one - maybe in Swedish livery - which is unusual for me... 🙂