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Dave Beenak (beenak_crazyman)

Scammell R100 Pioneer

Photo 1 of 16


10 25 August 2021, 01:50
Patrick Jackson
Sweet!! Looks awesome!! Nicely rendered.
 25 August 2021, 02:52
Patrick Jackson
This model is high on my wish list.
 25 August 2021, 02:53
Top build and presentation! 👍
 25 August 2021, 06:08
Dave Beenak Szerző
Thanks for the feedback....I have purchased my first all resin kit to compliment this R100. It's the Resicast 6 inch Howitzer. We'll see how it goes.....the whole lot will be getting more weathering and camo netting to bring some life to the subject.
 26 August 2021, 07:26
Rui S
Excellent 👍
 27 August 2021, 23:48
Mr James
Agree with all above. Lovely work
 8 March 2024, 13:05

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