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Peter Smirnov (goodcat171)

God of War

Photo 1 of 4


3 16 January 2022, 18:34
Rui S
Nice... I know this guy 😉
 16 January 2022, 18:39
Peter Smirnov Szerző
Hehe quit famous dude, you a right
 16 January 2022, 18:48
Rui S
Hehe, He is responsable for long hours spent away from this hobby 😉 but I've to say, also enjoyable ones 👍
 16 January 2022, 18:56
Peter Smirnov Szerző
totally agree
 16 January 2022, 19:22

Album info

Grumpy and mighty Kratos! Nice and small 3D printed bust of one of the greatest video game characters

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