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Airfix bro
Charlie Spitfire (Airfix bro)

Airfix Bristol Blenheim


20 26 January 2022, 23:51
Guy Rump
Following 👍
 27 January 2022, 04:16
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
thanks the model is almost finished i could not upload pictures as i was on holliday more pictures comeing in the next 5 minuits
 27 January 2022, 04:27
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
thanks for all the likes these are all the pictures i have at the moment as i need to keep building to add more pictures and the next ones should be of the engines and finishing touches
 28 January 2022, 04:02
Robert Podkoński
Good work, Charlie. It is good to use one's invention and imagination when building the model and you are good at that. As for airbrushing the smoke residues, I suggest experimenting first on a piece of cardboard and get back to the model only when you will find the effect satisfactory (otherwise you will end with something like this:
Katsuodori | Album by podkon (1:72)
 28 January 2022, 08:54
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
thanks for that i will do you know what would be best for smoke i only use humbrol enamel or would acrylic be better
 28 January 2022, 09:57
Robert Podkoński
You're welcome, Charlie. Perhaps you should try first Tamiya X-19 Smoke acrylic paint here.
 28 January 2022, 10:03
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
ok like i have told you i am in new Zealand but i think my Ashburton witch is were i live to be specific has Tamiya i will check it out on my next visit
 28 January 2022, 10:07
Guy Rump
Great progress Charlie, it's looking good. 👍
 28 January 2022, 10:15
Robert Podkoński
I use Tamiya "Smoke" acrylic also to create "shadows" on cockpit walls - diluted with tap water and a little drop of dish soap and applied with "regular" brush. This is very effective and useful paint (you can remove any excess with cotton swab while still moist)
 28 January 2022, 10:35
Robert Podkoński
I have just found that there is a fine aviation museum in the town you live, Charlie. And they have my favourite ugly-looking plane: Airtruk 😉
 28 January 2022, 10:43
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
we also have a mig 17 if you cheek my other projects there is a pic of me standing on it they let me sand n it because i have a model of one and wanted inspiration for the cockpit as i want to have the canopy open
 28 January 2022, 20:08
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
we also have a dc3 that you can walk into and see what pasinger flying was like back then

also we have new zealands only harrier jump jet and lots more planes
 28 January 2022, 20:09
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
sorry go to albums under the blenheim
 28 January 2022, 20:11
Well done so far, Charlie 👍
 29 January 2022, 19:42
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
thank you
 29 January 2022, 21:18
Very nice so far. like the idea of the cables behind the instrumentpanel 😉. looking forward to see it with decals on.
 1 February 2022, 08:11
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
it was your Blenheim that inspired me to do it engine on on next
 1 February 2022, 22:43
David R. Meizoso
The weathered leather seat looks really great! Keep on the good work!
 1 February 2022, 23:18
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
are you meaning the circle seat
 1 February 2022, 23:48
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
it was quit fun to make it was truly ''scrach building''
 1 February 2022, 23:49
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
i was going to do more detail to the instroment panel but i did not have the paints i like to buy all the paints first
 1 February 2022, 23:50
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
i think i am the only person to make the Romanian air force Blenheim
 1 February 2022, 23:51
Robert Podkoński
Romanian AF one will attract more interest here, I suppose, Charlie.
 2 February 2022, 07:42
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
i wanted to do this one because of how the black bombs would show out on the light blue and because it looks cool
 3 February 2022, 00:23
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
thanks for all your kind words from the people that have commented and given likes
 4 February 2022, 04:54
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Good work so far, Charlie 👍
It's coming along nicely. Didn't even know Romania used the Blenheim.

Ha, Robert, the Airtruk is like a real Eggplane. 😄
I certainly get the appeal.
 7 February 2022, 11:45
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
nether did i know about it they must have not used them for long
 8 February 2022, 21:04
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
just waiting to get paints hopefully today after school
 8 February 2022, 23:53
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
here is a link to the mueseum website should be on the airtruk
 9 February 2022, 04:59
Jan Peters
Nice blenheim Charlie 👍🏻
 9 February 2022, 05:22
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
 9 February 2022, 07:04
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
so sorry still no paints maybe tomorrow
 11 February 2022, 07:24
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Don't worry Charlie.
Just do it in your own pace. It is your model kit and it is a hobby after all. 😉
 11 February 2022, 11:43
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
thank you i still don't have paints but on the other hand does anyone know what paint would be best for paint chipping this model
 12 February 2022, 03:20
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
not to toot my own trumpet but this model is the best one i have ever made i seam to say that with all my models now most likely because i know about detail and patience
PS i do play the trumpet so i know what i am saying
 13 February 2022, 21:02
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
still no paints and i have run out of glue
 22 February 2022, 22:33
Thomas Kolb
I love your enthusiasm, kid, I really do! 😉 But I do remember, 'tis an expensive hobby when you are young. So just hang in there and take it easy, soon enough you'll have all the paints and cement and stuff you'll ever need. Nice Blenheim, I cannot wait to see the finished photos!
 23 February 2022, 00:15
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
thank you soo much
 23 February 2022, 01:04
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
i like the way i have the paints from other projects i only needed one paint to do this model until other paints became empty that is
 23 February 2022, 01:05
Alec K
This is turning into a nice build mate 👍
 23 February 2022, 02:37
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
thank you very much
 23 February 2022, 06:26
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
wondering if i should wait until i get the things i need or move on and do other things i did not put in because of airbrushing like starting the turret and smoke
 24 February 2022, 08:20
Chan Li
With the passion you will definitely build up your plane the way you want. Charlie your plane looks way better than the last one(or maybe the one I saw in your other album), especially WWII bombers are tricky to build and paint, I have a Memphis Belle B-17 kit and still not confident to start. I just want to share some of the experience, that airfix kits are surely fine but you might either try tamiya 1:48 kit for propeller planes, the fit is super fine and very friendly to the builder, without sacrificing details of the plane. I'm not blaming airfix but according to my experience many (not all) of the airfix planes need some significant gap-filling and sanding.
I will follow your projects now and in future cuz I like and respect your passion.
 28 February 2022, 16:15
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
thank you i love Airfix as my first kit was Airfix and only about 2 models have been revrel or tamia i don't mind academy you see i have only ever used Airfix and it i tried to start now i would not know what to do i like to do 1/72 as thay have been the only models i can aford and to put my collection to scale with other models i have only done 2 1/48 kits ( both spitfires and i only have one left) but than you very much
ps i love the memphis bell
 28 February 2022, 17:33
Chan Li
Yeah I recommend 1:48 tamiya cuz tamiya reboxed a lot italeri plane kits in their 1:72 scale.
I normally only build 1:72 as well, I'd be happy to share some of my kits if a younger man like you is at my work or neighborhood.
 1 March 2022, 01:35
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
i live in new zealand
 1 March 2022, 01:48
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
i am fine thaks i will watch you build them just let me know when you start
 1 March 2022, 01:49
Guy Rump
Looking good Charlie 👍
 1 March 2022, 16:38
Charlie Spitfire Szerző
thank you still waiting for paints and glue
 1 March 2022, 19:57

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my therd bomber in a row

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