ME 110 G-4 Italeri 1994 tool 2013 box
87 6 February 2022, 15:33

The start of the ME 110 G-4 night fighter. Cockpit area now done ready for the fuselage. 🙂
6 February 2022, 15:35

Thanks and welcome Villiers 👍
PE added to inside of fuselage. Painted RLM02 and a bit of detailing done. Back wheel painted, next is to put fuselage together. 🙂
9 February 2022, 17:39

Camouflage added, Vallejo Model Air RLM75. The first time I have attempted freehand camouflage. It was quite daunting to say the least!!!! 🙂
18 February 2022, 17:26

The underside of the aircraft has been sprayed with flat black (Vallejo Model Air). Again, an attempt at freehand. To show what I was trying to do, the paint scheme is next to the aircraft. 🙂
4 March 2022, 14:02

Thanks for the kind comment James, it's appreciated. 👍
Thanks Hang Li for the like 👍
4 March 2022, 16:27

Today I learned the lesson of looking ahead at the instructions!! Plates had to be added as shown on the photo. At the moment they have been painted RLM76. I will add the camo to these bits next. 🙂
6 March 2022, 17:28

Many thanks WhiteGlint & Roland, your comments are greatly appreciated. 👍
6 March 2022, 17:58

Thanks for the like Petr. 👍
@Charlie, thanks for your kind comment. 👍
7 March 2022, 18:52

Engines now fitted (minus props and exhausts). Blended camouflage on to engines and panels previously fitted. 🙂
12 March 2022, 15:56

As always, you're very welcome Roland. 👍
Thanks for the likes Roland and Mid Franconian. 👍
12 March 2022, 16:55

Hi Guy, a bit late in the day but jumping aboard too! Great stuff so far.
18 March 2022, 17:30

Welcome Gary, thanks for your kind comment. 👍
Thanks for the like Otto. 👍
18 March 2022, 18:00

Gloss varnish added and then the decals applied. next will be the panel line wash and the matt varnish. 🙂
19 March 2022, 20:45

Looking nice Guy. Nearly there now it seems. Any Bf 110 canopy is always going to prove a bit of a time suck though! Am looking forward to seeing the completion soon. 🙂
20 March 2022, 21:51

Yeah, masking the 110's canopy takes some time. 😄
Looking good, Guy 👍
21 March 2022, 09:29

Many thanks Daniel, Neil and WhiteGlint for your kind comments, I appreciate them greatly. 👍
Thanks Patryk and Moreno for the likes. 👍
@ Neil and @ WhiteGlint: yes the masking is a bit of a time suck esspecially when the Montex mask specifically for this model don't fit at all on the rear of the cockpit. 🙁 Am cutting pieces of Tamiya tape to mask those parts not masked. 🙂
21 March 2022, 16:29

Undercarriage now in place ass well as radiators and other small bits and pieces under the aircraft. Panel line washed with Ammo stone grey. (most of the rivets and panel lines are raised). 🙂
Thanks David S, David J and Motatim for your likes. 👍
26 March 2022, 14:52

Having added the radar antennae, cockpit, and rigging etc., I now declare this Messerschmitt BF 110 G-4 completed. 🙂
From September 1944 to March 1945 the III. Group of the night fighter squadron 1 (III./NJG 1) with Messerschmitt Me 110 G and Junkers Ju 88 G stationed in Fritzlar; the later Federal President Walter Scheel was one of the young pilots of this unit. In March 1945 it was withdrawn and replaced by a school squadron of Night Fighter Wing 101. However, as pilot training was not possible due to a lack of fuel, the flight instructors were almost immediately transferred to combat squadrons.
28 March 2022, 10:18

Thanks Murad and Johnathon for your likes. 👍
Very many thanks Daniel, WhiteGlint and Lukasz for your kind comments. 👍
28 March 2022, 14:09

Many thanks for your kind comment James. 👍
Andrew B & 5 others, thanks for your likes, I appreciate it greatly. 👍
28 March 2022, 19:28

Thanks for the kind comment Pietro. 👍
Thanks for your likes and interest Juskifo, Marcel K, Pietro DA & Ian. 👍
8 December 2022, 22:51

Many thanks for the kind comment Bernd. Thanks mate 👍
Thanks for your likes and interest Ogre Trombone, Lochsa River, David C, John P, Andre S, Xa Char & subotai. 👍
23 December 2022, 18:18

This kit brings me to some of my early modeling days! You did a great job again!
27 December 2022, 04:22

Many thanks for your very kind comments Djordje and Andy, I really do appreciate them. 👍
Thanks for your likes and interest Djordje N & Martin. 👍
28 December 2022, 17:43

Thanks for the like and your interest Vicente. Happy New Year. 👍
1 January 2023, 17:20

Many thanks Gary, Happy 2023 to you too. 👍
Thanks for your like and interest Christian A. 👍
7 January 2023, 18:12

Thanks for your interest and likes Nelson JG & 1 other mate. 👍
9 February 2023, 19:54

Many thanks for the kind comment Neuling, it's greatly appreciated. 👍
Thanks for your interest and likes Живко Джаков & Noel B. 👍
4 March 2023, 21:51