...work in progress... ...A-4P Skyhawk...
Photo 1 of 63
38 6 February 2022, 19:28

Interesting subject, Daniel, looking forward to your updates.
I have this kit in my stash,to build as an RNZAF a/c, so I hope to pick up some tips 👍
6 February 2022, 19:55

Thanks for your interest guys.👍 @Richard RNZAF will be a very interesting subject too.
12 February 2022, 22:28

Made some progress with the cockpit and the air intakes today, fuselage is now ready to be closed.
12 February 2022, 22:30

Not sure how I missed this one, the Skyhawk is one of my all-time-favorite aircraft and this project is really cool! Will be watching for sure!
27 February 2022, 15:53

Made some little progress today adding some antennas which Airfix didn't count in.
1 March 2022, 21:51

Main painting was finished today, only some red for the slats and flaps and light blue for the wheel wells and doors is missing.
5 March 2022, 19:03

Started the weathering, some chipped paint useing a sponge and Tamiya silver and grey. Washing with dark grey oil colors. Slightly silver drybrushing for the "walkways" on the wings.
9 March 2022, 17:39

Would say, the Skyhawk is now nearing completion, only a few little components are missing.
18 March 2022, 18:19

As the Scooter is nearly finished, I started work on a simple little base. Only a piece of apron and meadow.
22 March 2022, 18:58

Finished this project today, added a last few pieces to the Skyhawk and painted the pilot. Spray painted the infos about the jet on the base using homemade masks.
24 March 2022, 12:44

Sehr schön geworden. Passt ja zu 2022, da sich der Falklandkrieg zum 40 ten mal jährt.👍
24 March 2022, 16:46

Thanks guys 👍
@Christian ...das Jubiläum war auch tatsächlich der Auslöser für den Bau, hätte ich sonst so nicht auf dem Plan gehabt.
@Finn ...yes right, the chipping was done with some Tamiya paint and a sponge.
24 March 2022, 19:35

Ja, werde aus diesem Anlaß auch mal wider was zum Thema bauen.
24 March 2022, 21:29