Rubicon Models Bedford QLT
February 17, 2022Impressed so far. What for me was an unknown brand - the molding is actually really nice and it's going together well. Quite a few options during the building process too. It's nice to be working on a new model, although I really do need to finally get that airbrush back out and paint the ship I'm working on...2
February 17, 20223
February 17, 2022Cab complete4
February 17, 20225
February 18, 2022Front axle and wheels6
February 18, 2022Rear Axle and wheels7
February 18, 20228
February 18, 2022Undercarriage complete9
February 18, 202210
February 18, 202211
February 20, 2022Building is nearing the end now12
February 20, 202213
February 22, 2022All ready to paint now14
February 22, 202215
February 22, 2022I'm choosing to glue the canvas roof on after painting. I wish now I'd painted certain parts before gluing them together, such as the interior and some of the wheels and undercarriage. They are going to be very difficult to paint as they are now. I started doing this on my last two models, not sure why I didn't this time, slightly out of practice I guess. But we live and learn. I'll do my best16
February 24, 2022Finally managed to airbrush again. Primed the whole model in Mig Black One Shot Primer17
February 24, 202218
February 25, 2022Sprayed the gun in Revell Black Silk Matt, as I was using it on another project. May do some more details on this with a brush later19
February 25, 2022Decided to spray the canvas roof cover in Tamiya Dark Yellow. Again, I was using it for similar material on another project and it seemed appropriate. Not sure how realistic it is, but with this truck, I'm not too concerned20
February 25, 2022Painted the whole truck in Tamiya Dark Green. Came out pretty well, although I have been having issues with my airbrush, so I did get some speckling. Not sure if I'm not thinning the paint enough or too much. At some point, I think I might need to treat myself to an airbrush upgrade, as the one I'm using was just a cheap starter airbrush21
February 25, 202222
February 25, 2022The next step for this is to paint the details with a brush. The tires, lights, and so forth23
February 27, 2022Managed to finish most of the brush detailing. Really happy with the results24
February 27, 2022Especially pleased with the tires, I should have painted them before gluing everything together. But considering, I think I did a good job painting them
Edit: I did end up painting the spare tire. Not sure how I missed that!25
February 27, 202226
February 27, 2022Might paint the window wipers black, maybe some other bits too, I'll have a look at some more photos27
February 27, 202228
May 17, 2022This has been waiting for me to get to the same point on my other model, seen in the background, so I could spray them both at the same time. Finally had a chance to spray today, and so I've gone over this with several thin layers of X-22 Clear. I'll let it dry for around 24 hours and then it'll be time for decals and weathering29
May 18, 2022Applied the decals. Wasn't a fun job. I had to find some references online as the model didn't come with decal instructions, and none of the references I found matched exactly what I had available. So this is basically just a fictional decal layout, just chose stuff that looked nice and somewhat realistic.30
May 18, 2022These were also the hardest decals I've had to work with so far. They are extremely fragile, and tended to curl up as soon as they were removed from the paper - and then were nearly impossible to uncurl. This is why there is no star on one side of the truck, it curled up and the more I tried to uncurl it, the worse it got. But I still think it looks decent, so I'm happy. Weathering next31
May 18, 202232
May 18, 2022The first stage of weathering. A pin wash and general dark wash with Mig Enamel Dark Wash. It's been quite a while since I've done any weathering, and I feel like I'm out of practice. Also with such tiny details, it was hard to pick them out. But I think models always look better and more realistic after. The next step is a tiny bit of rust and then a light grime layer.33
May 18, 202234
May 18, 2022There are some tiny fibres left from where I used cotton buds. I tried to blow most away, hopefully, I'll get the rest using the airbrush, before I use it to apply the final clear coat. But they're barely noticeable, so I'm not too worried.35
May 18, 202236
May 19, 2022Applied a subtle amount of rust with Mig Light Rust Wash. Then applied a subtle Mig Grime Wash layer. Didn't want to go too far with weathering on this model, wanted to keep it mostly clean. That's the weathering complete now37
May 19, 202238
May 20, 2022The model is complete! Clear coated using XF-86 Flat Clear. For a pretty small and basic model, I'm happy with how it turned out. Shame I'm struggling to get decent photos at the moment. It might be time for a phone upgrade soon!39
May 20, 202240
May 20, 202241
May 20, 202242
May 20, 202243
July 11, 202244
July 11, 202245
July 11, 202246
July 11, 2022
5 17 February 2022, 22:47