AREA 88: "Call in Hawkeye!"
29 17 June 2022, 15:49

Since my main Tamiya airbrush is down for the count while I wait for one tiny part to make its way on foot from Japan to my door... I thought I'd start a project that has more construction than detailed painting required...
17 June 2022, 16:08

I bought a "slightly started" kit off eBay. Opened the box and it was quite the horror show. I don't know what the previous owner thought he was doing, but he painted it with some horrible gunk. It was so cracked and wrinkled, I thought the plastic itself was damaged, but after some soaking in a bath of lacquer thinner and some elbow grease, I discovered an actual plastic kit underneath. It's lucky that he somehow missed part of the tail, or I would have never known what colour the plastic was supposed to be.
17 June 2022, 16:12

I'm not sure how rare it is, but I haven't run across them very often. It was more a combination of "right in front of me" and "the price was right". I knew it had some issues from the photos online, but at first it looked much worse up close. 😉
17 June 2022, 17:36

that was a horror show to clear, but you did great. let's see rest of the magic 🙂
22 June 2022, 11:02

I gotta say, it took me a couple of stabs at the paint scheme for this one, but I'm pleasantly surprised at how well it turned out. Still time to screw it up, of course, but considering what a mess it was "under previous management", at least at this point I feel like I saved it. 😉
23 July 2022, 04:48

You are very productive at the moment 👍 It is hard not to overlook one of your great projects!
23 July 2022, 10:53

If I may make a suggestion Greg, the only thing missing is the pilot on a spring ejecting ... but I confess I'm not familar with how this story ends. Definately not well for the Vigilante!
Nice work
28 July 2022, 12:07

Hah... thanks for the tip Jay.. unfortunately the MiG-21 catches the Vigilante by surprise and there were no survivors... Once I'm done, I'll upload the sequence to my blog so you can check out the action. 😉
28 July 2022, 16:59

And... we're done! I have to say, looking at the before/after pics on this one... I impressed myself. I also think this is probably the best explosion I've been able to pull off. I've already blown up an F-14 and and F-111... but the RA-5C went up like a roman candle! 😉
2 August 2022, 05:51

That explosion is really looking great 👍 Is this steady light or those flickering LEDs?
2 August 2022, 09:56

Thanks guys. The lights are steady… but I should've made flickering ones. There's a pretty easy way to do it using cheap fake candle LEDs. Where were your good ideas when I needed them? 😉
2 August 2022, 15:03

Haha! I expect better from you next time!
In the meantime, I've updated the build on my blog page - so if you want to read the couple of pages this scene is based on, feel free. I've also including the video of the lights in action.
2 August 2022, 18:03