In COD We Trust; C-2 Greyhound
47 17 July 2022, 15:18

Not as much as the Broplan Casa CN235 currently on the shelf of doom
17 July 2022, 15:35

Brave choice mate 👍 Have you considered filling the fuselage using the furniture putty? Heard it helps a lot 🤔
17 July 2022, 17:36

Following for tips, guidance, and inspiration. Have a Broplan RWD13 in Stash that I'm too scared to start. 😄
17 July 2022, 18:53

The more into this I go, the more impressed I am with Falcon production. Conversely, the less regard I have for the Broplan Casa. Fine engraved panel lines and clear marking for cuts, and a plan drawing that matches the kit parts (and damn close to an old Warpaint scale plans).
17 July 2022, 19:18

I like to think of myself as a pretty good modeller, but when I see this wrestling with vacuüm kits I become humble 😮 Keep up the good work 👍
19 July 2022, 10:25

Watching... vacuform kits fascinate me! Never attempted one yet... I remember how much my father cursed his Nova KC-135 kit! Looking great so far!
22 August 2022, 03:56

Ouch, too many disasters lately 🤔 First my 727, now your COD 🙁
Take a break (like I did) and the fixing ideas will show up I'm sure 👍
25 October 2022, 19:29

It had come along very nicely. Let us hope you can find a way to mend it.
25 October 2022, 19:58

Wings are back on. No photos yet. Looks salvageable though. I probably should have reinforced it but not sure how. Anyway onward we go.
26 October 2022, 21:36

Really amazing build with the Falcon conversion, I wimped out and just got my Fox One 1/144 COD with folded wings resin kit.
27 October 2022, 13:22

Yup. And we're done.
I think a Matchbox oob model is what's required after all this....
3 November 2022, 15:50

Thanks to you all for the kind words and encouragement. Means a lot, really.
3 November 2022, 15:52

Roy, What a job! But you finished and it looks great! You truly deserve a medal for perseverance and a Matchbox OOB build for therapy after this. I gave up on this myself and will probably go the OzMods + Ace E-2C 1/144 route. My hat is off to you, sir! Kind regards, Dutch
8 February 2023, 14:21
Album info
Falcon conversion and Heller E-2 donor kit.