1/16 Takom Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. A
23 5 January 2023, 03:47

I think Micheal if Takom put metal track pins instead of the plastic ones it would have made life easier.
7 March 2023, 15:21

Agree David - that (IMHO) is the weakest part of rhe kit. After I built them, I found an article where an individual used flat head pins - the type used in beading or whatever the official term is. 😁 - Tried 'em and it worked pretty good actually. So for my next 1/16 - likely the Panzer 1B - I will be trying those. Below is what I ordered from Amazon in case anyone is interested. They would need to be trimmed bit but gives thst extra strength folks may be looking for. I ordered 40mm but would have gotten away with 30s, maybe even 20s.
Tegg Head Pin 200PCS Silver 20mm 304 Stainless Steel Flat Head Pins Eye Pins Eyepins Needles Findings for Jewelry Making DIY Craft a.co/d/j45Yvyv
8 March 2023, 01:55

There is after market pins from Aber but you need a mortgage.If I do another it will be the command vehicle.
8 March 2023, 14:44

Thanks for the idea of using metal pins. on my first build of the Panzer 1B I used the plastic pins.. and they broke a lot.. now thanks to your adivce I used them on my recent build (Takom 1:16 Panzerjäger I B) and they worked very well! and the costs were around 6 euro.
Im also would want to build the Panzer 1a version.. But they are sold out everywhere except outside europe.. I really hope Takom doesnt discontinue this lovely set...
17 April 2023, 19:54

Thanks Frysian - happy to hear the "budget friendly" pins worked. I can completely sympathize on locating the Panzer 1A. I like to buy as local as much as possible but it is hard to get right now. I want to do an early 1A in panzer grey with brown camo so hoping stock will become available soon! Cheers!
18 April 2023, 22:07
Album info
First 1/16 armor build.