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Andy Ball (Lerxst)

Watch the Birdy-Dog


50 11 April 2023, 08:38
Alex K
A Cessna? I'm in!
 12 April 2023, 00:22
Andy Ball Szerző
Hi Roland and Alex, is a Cessna Cexsy?!...thanks for joining....
 12 April 2023, 10:05
Robert Podkoński
Watching too 🙂
 12 April 2023, 11:51
Andy Ball Szerző
Thanks Robert and Co., this may be a slow burn, so forgive me a meander on this one?….
 12 April 2023, 16:28
Andy Ball Szerző
Some new progress on my commission-incidentally an O-1 flew over my house a week ago resplendent with USAF grey overcoat see picture 7
 20 July 2023, 22:23
Andy Ball Szerző
Thanks LucLuke
 21 July 2023, 06:57
Andy Ball Szerző
Thanks Oleg! Pleased for your visit
 26 July 2023, 14:03
Robert Podkoński
Fantastic work so far, Andy. Keep it up!
 26 July 2023, 14:07
Pic 16 looks great 👍 I prefer masks too!
 26 July 2023, 17:23
Andy Ball Szerző
Robert, you are Mr. Motivator on here!! always enjoy you turning up at my builds!
bughunter: to have a kind comment from a "Master"- nay Wizzard, such as you is a pleasure. We're all stretching our skills sets on here, I guess, on every build we do.
 27 July 2023, 08:54
Ludvík Kružík
You're doing a great job. 👍 I know from my own experience that large scales (1:32, 1:24 ...) do not forgive mistakes. I am very curious to see the finished model. I'm sure it will be a beauty.
 27 July 2023, 09:47
Guy Rump
Looking good Andy. 👍
 27 July 2023, 10:20
Robert Podkoński
All my pleasure, Andy 😉
 27 July 2023, 12:49
Andy Ball Szerző
Thanks Ludvík, I'm hoping my patreon will enjoy it too. There are a few mistakes, sure, but I'll try and hide them with some weathering.
 27 July 2023, 13:21
Andy Ball Szerző
Guy and Robert: thanks again my wingmen friends.
 27 July 2023, 13:21
Andy Ball Szerző
Thanks John!
 27 July 2023, 23:01
Andy Ball Szerző
Cheers Mark, Oleg and other scale'rs for taking an interest
 28 July 2023, 06:27
Andy Ball Szerző
Thanks Konstantinos for your visit!
 9 August 2023, 05:28
Robert Podkoński
Looks great already!
 9 August 2023, 10:02
Andy Ball Szerző
@Robert, I'll try to make it a little more great soon! Thanks Grant and others for likes and general nice-ness!!
 15 August 2023, 00:44
Robert Podkoński
Looks awesome! (Your build inspired me to purchase AviModels Bird Dog in 1/72... 😉 )
 19 August 2023, 13:25
Guy Rump
Very impressive build once again Andy. 👍
 19 August 2023, 13:31
Neil Patrick
Congratulations Andy, especially for choosing to paint the markings. Your courage definitely paid off! 🙂
 20 August 2023, 10:22
Andy Ball Szerző
Aww, thanks will be equally impressive in 72nd...seem to remember building the Airfix one in c. 1976...and Guy: back at'cha! you're doing some pretty sterling work at the moment...Neil: I learned your lesson regarding the superglue application from your Panther...employed on this build...and thanks for having a look too!
 21 August 2023, 13:53
Andy Ball Szerző
I also note the likes (not an exhaustive list) from Cortex and Alberto and Ian...sorry I've not replied sooner...
 21 August 2023, 13:55
Andy Ball Szerző
Thanks Treehugger, watch out for the Agent Orange dispensed from the ordnance!
 21 August 2023, 19:52
Desert Marlin
Excellent rendition!!!
 21 August 2023, 19:59
Andy Ball Szerző
Thanks Mark, we try!….
 21 August 2023, 20:01
I liked what you did with the masks during the build, but with all the final additions it's even better 👍
 21 August 2023, 21:01
Andy Ball Szerző
@bughunter - they were tricky and a reasonably new technique for me… and worthy of these larger scales. I hope to perfect them - similar to those on your're quite an inspiration!
 21 August 2023, 21:28
Andy Ball Szerző
Thanks Erik and others for taking the time…
 21 August 2023, 21:29
Andy Ball Szerző
@scaleffect- thank-you
 22 August 2023, 05:49
Interesting aircraft, very well done!
 22 August 2023, 07:41
Andy Ball Szerző
Thanks Neuling, hoping my client is as enthusiastic!
 22 August 2023, 08:20
Ludvík Kružík
Andy, you don't have to worry. The model looks great. 👍 I'm sure the client will be pleased.
 22 August 2023, 10:39
Andy Ball Szerző
Dropping it in to him this evening- so I hope so Ludvík!
 22 August 2023, 10:53
Ludvík Kružík
I'm very curious to see how this plays out.
 22 August 2023, 11:05
Rui S
 22 August 2023, 11:46
David Taylor
Nice one.
 22 August 2023, 14:26
Michael Kohl
Ah, that turned out really beautiful.
 22 August 2023, 15:58
Andy Ball Szerző
@Ludvík: I have a happy customer (see final picture)
 4 September 2023, 11:29
Andy Ball Szerző
Thanks Rui, David and Michael- not a scale or model brand I'm used to. Think it worked well in the end, and I managed to try some new techniques.
 4 September 2023, 11:30
Andy Ball Szerző
Thanks Andre for having a look....
 5 September 2023, 15:00

Album info

Commission from a pilot friend- it’s his favourite plane, so better do it justice

32 képek
1:32 L-19/O-1 Bird Dog "Asian service" (Roden 627)1:32 L-19/O-1 Bird Dog USAF marking EXPERT masks (New Ware NWAM0093)

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