Garage display
21 24 April 2023, 21:09

Just something I slapped together. Took no time at all and I think it's a cool display. I have some tools from leftover kits laying around that I'll paint up and add later. I also have plans to build a workbench out of spare parts and evergreen. Make it look more like an actual workshop. Looks good with a Pontiac Ventura and an X-wing. 😂
24 April 2023, 21:12

Thanks Jv. I just stuck the Pontiac in there because it was close at hand but it really looks good in there so I may just leave it. Lol
26 April 2023, 06:40

Ha. It is a pretty cool display piece. I have a few extra bits and pieces to paint and add to make it look more like a functional garage. Toolbox and some tools, a floor Jack. Jack stands. Still need to put a workbench together too.
6 May 2023, 18:33

I may have to go back in the depths of time, and create my own platform, for my builds?
I'll give you that mate, you're an inspiration, even if you don't know it 👍
6 May 2023, 20:30

I have 2 of those Great Garage kits I need to build that would make great display photos, but just haven't had time to start any projects. But this looks awesome !
7 May 2023, 02:51

That is pretty unique. Though I have never seen a garage with wood paneling and a wood floor. But it is still nice to build upon.
7 May 2023, 04:50

Yeah Bob, it's definitely perfect for using as a photo backdrop. Especially if you add some extra bits.
Unique indeed Bill, it's a Fujimi kit. Don't know if antique garages in Japan had wooden floors or not but I still think it looks pretty cool!!
7 May 2023, 09:55

Ha. You'll have to blame the gentleman who stocked it in his hobby shop. I saw it while I was browsing and I could not turn away.
7 May 2023, 20:24

I have the walls and floor leftover from this kit is anyone is interested in a quick dio.
Garage & Tool Shop (Testors Fujimi 430, 1:24)
8 May 2023, 06:24
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Just for fun