KAZ-606A - finished
Photo 1 of 9
27 18 June 2023, 17:46

Now that is something else for a change. Very nicely built and very convincing weathering for a well used truck. Where did you get the kit from and how does it build?
20 June 2023, 07:46

@Michael Kohl I got the kit several years back directly from Red Iron Models. However, they are not making these kits anymore. Luckily for us Balaton Modell picked up their production and you can get it from them (balatonmodellshop.co..606A-semi-truck-1-35).
As for the build: it was not difficult to build. I would rate it as an entry model for somebody getting into building resin kits. The parts did not have any defects like warping, bubbles, etc. They were easy to remove from the cast stubs. The most "difficult" part was putting the cabin together (it consists from 2 parts), so that there would be a minimal seam (it runs along the rear end of the door). One annoying part was to do the bent window panes. The kit comes with a flat clear sheet and I had to force the panes in their positions. There is some force needed to do that, but no parts broke. And once you push them into their positions, they seem to stay there.
For painting, I did 2 major subassemblies: 1) the chassis and 2) the cabin. There were no major issues. Other parts like wheels and seats, etc. can be painted separately and glued into their positions easily.
Hope this helps. If you decide to build this, best of luck with your build!
20 June 2023, 13:31

Thanks David for your extensive answer. That Balaton Models releases these models are great news. I build a D9 from them and the kit was very good - on par of what reported for this kit.
20 June 2023, 18:39