- Méretarány:
- 1:24
- Állapot:
- Befejezve
- Elkezdve:
- May 17, 2020
- Befejezve:
- May 24, 2020
- Eltöltött idő:
- 6 hours
Fred’s family car
Teljes készletek
18 képek
Flintstones car
Finished and ready for Friday night at the Bedrock Drive in movies!
Projekt: Cartoons
1 17 May 2020, 08:47

Well Peter, that is a special build. I even didn't knew that this kit existed. I'm looking forward to see more
17 May 2020, 21:11

Lode, serious de-stressing needed and this should be just the ticket!
Welcome along Roland, never saw this car breakdown in fifty years so it might be replacing the current jalopy!
17 May 2020, 22:20

Shouldn't the steering wheel be on the other side of your first car ? LOL !
18 May 2020, 02:37

Ben I knew you'd turn up when the cartoons started! Your Mum said you only came home after school when The Jetsons were about to start!
Bob, my first car was a Suzuki LJ 50! Forerunner before the Sierra and the LJ 80. It was pretty flash back in the day, had rubber tyres and a cigarette lighter option!
Greg while you were wasting your youth reading Tintin comics I was improving my ancient history watching The Flintstones!
JD, "...... ahhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm hooooooooooooome!
18 May 2020, 09:43

Ahh ! Such a great influence on the youth of yesterday ! LOL !!!!!! Who has a light !
Youtube Video

18 May 2020, 17:30